Mitsubishi Electric Delivers High-capacity Energy-storage System to Kyushu Electric Power’s Buzen Substation
Mitsubishi Electric Corporation announced recently its delivery of the world’s largest energy-storage system-50 MW output and 300 MWh rated capacity-to Kyushu Electric Power Co. on March 3. The system, which is part of a pilot project to balance supply and demand via high-capacity energy-storage systems, was installed at the Buzen Substation in Buzen, Fukuoka Prefecture.The facility offers energy-storage capabilities similar to those of pumped hydro facilities while helping to improve the balance of supply and demand when renewable energy sources are used. The energy storage system achieves effective overall control and improved operational efficiency through the use of Mitsubishi Electric’s BLEnDer® RE battery SCADA system to monitor and control modules in a multiple module system. Also, containerized, compact (double stacked) battery modules help to reduce the facility footprint, installation time and construction costs.