Tender Results : NTPC 250 MW Solar Open Category Project in Kadapa Ultra Mega Solar Park in Andhra Pradesh
Solar Power Tariffs hits fresh lows in just held Reverse Bidding for 250 MW NTPC Open Category Grid Connected Solar Project at Kadapa Ultra Mega Solar Park. The bid by Solairedirect at Rs.3.15 / kWh for 250MW Project beats earlier lows of Rs.3.3 /kWh Levelised Tariff for RUMS Project by Mahindra, Acme & Solenergi.
L2 is Ostro at Rs.3.16, L3 Canadian at Rs.3.39. Both of them very near to the RUMS Tariff. While L4-L7 were little far in the range of Rs.4.09 – Rs.4.68 quoted by Greenko, Azure, Mahoba and Mahindra.