1500 volt: made in Germany, powering the world. – At the Intersolar Europe 2017, KACO new energy presents new products and solutions for the global energy turnaround.
At this year’s Intersolar Europe, KACO new energy presents its new 1500-volt inverters for the first time: the 125 kW string inverter blueplanet 125 TL3 and the 3300 kW central inverter blueplanet 3300 TL3 outdoor. For PV plants from 15 kW upwards, the German manufacturer has added the blueplanet 15.0 TL3 to its portfolio. For the storage market, there is a new battery inverter with a power output of 250 kilowatts. The product offering is rounded off by system solutions and services which also apply the cost advantages of state-of-the-art technologies in the devices to lower overall project costs. On view at stand 230 in hall B3. The blueplanet 125 TL3 three-phase string inverter
With cutting-edge technology, the blueplanet 125 TL3 consistently continues the “reduce to the max” concept begun by KACO new energy one year ago with the blueplanet 50.0 TL3 INT.
With a power output of 125 kilowatts and a weight of only around 70 kilograms, the string inverter offers a high power density, especially in view of the fact that an oversizing of up to 1.5 times of its power output is allowed. The high performance of the inverter is underlined by its efficiency of 99 per cent and the MPP range that spans from 875 to 1300 volt. Another new development is that the inverter takes up the energy from 1,500-volt solar modules.
The blueplanet 125 TL3 has an aluminium outdoor housing for wall-mounting: The dimensions being 700 mm x 700 mm x 450 mm, the device is the most handy one in its power class. The inverter defies extreme environmental conditions – a power derating occurs only at temperatures above +55 °C. The use of inexpensive aluminium cables with a cross-section of up to 240 millimetres offers potential for saving on installation costs. Customer-specific string collectors for the blueplanet 125 TL3 allow flexible configuration of the connection technology.
The central inverter blueplanet 3300 TL3 outdoor
1500 volt input voltage and 3300 kilowatts power output: The blueplanet 3300 TL3 outdoor is the new size for solar parks in the North American utility league with a centralised system concept.
As part of the Integrated Power Station (IPS) the central inverter also meets the growing demand for quick and efficient solutions for large-scale solar parks. In the IPS, inverters, medium-voltage transformers and disconnection units for the DC and AC side are mounted together on one base plate, known as the skid, to create a ready-to-use functional unit. The skid also offers space for additional equipment such as monitoring accessories, sensors for measuring weather data or tracker control units.
The blueplanet 3300 TL3 outdoor offers both remote access via the Internet and optimum operating convenience on-site for simple operation and fast maintenance, comprehensive system monitoring and universal communication options.
The blueplanet 50.0 TL3 INT three-phase string inverter
Newly introduced last year, the blueplanet 50.0 TL3 INT will be available in two additional models.
The blueplanet 50.0 TL3 OD+ has been equipped by KACO new energy’s development department with special parts so as to make it permanently resilient against salt air corrosion in coastal areas. The inverter has a power derating only from +50 °C upwards; this feature makes it generally well-suited for operation in hot climates. The blueplanet 50.0 TL3 RPonly is a “reactive power only” inverter: In solar parks that are to support grid management, the device delivers reactive power at night as needed.
CPSS (Central Power String Solution)
With the CPSS, KACO new energy has designed a system based on the blueplanet 50.0 TL3 INT and combining the advantages of centralised and decentralised system configurations.
The blueplanet Mini-Argus 50.0 string collector transports the direct current from the solar modules to the respective blueplanet 50.0 TL3 INT via a DC line. All string inverters are mounted on a rack with a protective cover in a central position in the solar park. AC wiring is only required from there to the adjacent container with transformer, switchgear and low-voltage distribution. The CPSS is supplied in four standard sizes for PV systems with 0.75 MVA, 1.0 MVA, 2.0 MVA and 2.5 MVA. In the first quarter of 2018, the CPSS can also be ordered with the new blueplanet 125 TL3.
In addition, the Germany-based company offers engineering support and global service support for operations and maintenance as part of large-scale projects – no matter whether devices are integrated in system solutions such as the CPSS or ordered as components.
The blueplanet 15.0 TL3 three-phase string inverter
The blueplanet 15.0 TL3 with a power output of 15 kilowatts offers plenty of scope for solar power systems in the medium power range – in particular, the roofs of commercial and industrial premises.
The inverter operates using two separate MPP trackers which can handle both symmetrical and asymmetrical loads. This enables it to deal with east/west facing roofs (symmetrical load), factory roofs which are shaded or inconsistently designed and open spaces (asymmetrical load).
Featuring built-in section switches, the blueplanet 15.0 TL3 can implement performance specifications sent as ripple control signals from grid operators directly via an expansion module with digital inputs; no separate datalogger is required. Pre-installed sockets into which the DC overvoltage protection device of type SPD 1+2 can be fitted emphasise the safety aspect.
The blueplanet gridsave 250 TL3 bidirectional battery inverter
Large-scale commercial and industrial storage applications are the ideal areas of use for the blueplanet gridsave 250 TL3 with a power output of 250 kilowatts. The battery inverter is suitable for both peak shaving and peak shifting: Customers are consequently saved from high energy costs caused by current peaks and long, high load profiles.
The blueplanet gridsave 250 TL3 is tailored for use with lithium ion batteries, in which it stores renewable energy from wind power or photovoltaic plants. It can be used both in grid-connected and off-grid storage systems: The device can establish its own isolated network. The blueplanet gridsave 250 TL3 contributes to network management by supplying reactive power.
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