Shri Piyush Goyal, Minister of State (IC) for Power, Coal, New & Renewable Energy and Mines today informed the Lok Sabha in a written reply that as per information received from the Central Electricity Authority (CEA), the quantum of electricity generated during 2015-16 through Wind and Solar sources was 33029.39 MU and 7447.92 MU respectively. He further said that during last two years i.e. 2014-15 and 2015-16, a total capacity of 5735 MW and 4131 MW have been installed for wind and solar energy respectively.
The Minister also told that a capacity addition target of 4000 MW and 12000 MW has been proposed for generation of electricity by wind and solar respectively during 2016-17 and a total of 315 MW have been installed under Solar Roof top Scheme. Power generated from these projects is being used for both domestic and captive use. Shri Piyush Goyal stated tenders for 20766 MW Solar Power projects have been issued. He also said that the wind power projects are mainly developed by private sector under various modes including PPA, REC, captive use, third party sale etc. No Union Government project is under construction in wind energy sector.
Shri Goyal also mentioned that Ministry is implementing several schemes to promote generation of solar and wind energy. These are Scheme for Development of Solar Parks and Ultra Mega Solar Power Projects, scheme for Development of Solar PV Power Plants on Canal Banks/ Canal Tops, scheme for setting up 300 MW of Grid connected Solar PV Power Projects by Defence Establishments under Ministry of Defense and Para Military Forces with Viability Gap Funding (VGF) under Batch-IV of Phase-II/III of JNNSM. (Jawharlal Nehru National Solar Mission), scheme of setting up 1000 MW of Grid- Connected Solar PV Power Projects by CPSUs with VGF under Batch-V of Phase-II of JNNSM, scheme for Setting up of 15000 MW of Grid connected Solar PV Power Projects under Batch II of Phase II of National Solar Mission (by NTPC/NVVN), (Setting up of 2000 MW Grid connected solar power with VGF through Solar Energy Corporation of India (SECI), generation based incentive scheme for promotion of wind power.