Sagar Institute of Science and Technology (SISTec), Department of Mechanical Engineering, Gandhi Nagar, organized a workshop on ‘Recent Advancements in Energy Sciences’ (RAES).
The four-day workshop was sponsored by MP Council of Science & Technology and had presence of eminent speakers from IIT’s and NIT’s, experts with hand on experience, professionals from industry etc. The workshop concluded today (fourth day) in presence of Sunil Kumar Gupta, Vice-Chancellor, RGPV, Bhopal as the guest of honor. Addressing the gathering and concluding the workshop Gupta said, “Sustainable and Non-Conventional energy will be the key of future and there are nations who making the most use of it. Such energy will make our future cleaner, brighter and easier. Optimum utilization of resources, reduction of waste, awareness and knowledge sharing will benefit us in longer run. I congratulate SISTec for organizing such enlightening workshop which builds perspective on energy and ensures capacity building amongst budding professionals.” Keshavendra Choudhary, Principal of SISTec and Prof Ravishankar Choudhary, HOD & convener of the workshop welcomed the dignitaries participating in the workshop.
The first day of workshop witnessed presence of Manu Shrivastava, Principal Secretary and Commissioner, New & Renewable Energy Department, Government of Madhya Pradesh who shared information on subsidy schemes of Government of India to promote Renewable Energy and the employability prospects and entrepreneurship roles in energy sector.
GN Tiwari, Prof (Retd) IIT Delhi enlightened the participants on information on ‘Photovoltaic Modules and its Applications’ along with ‘Green House Sustainable Technology for Rural Applications’.
Second day of workshop marked with presence of Prof Siraj Ahmed, MANIT, who enriched the participants on ‘State-of-art of Wind Energy Technology’ for sustainable development with a need to switch from conventional energy sources to renewable energies. Sessions of Aseem Chandra Tiwari, Professor, UIT, RGPV, Bhopal, deliberated on bio-energy research highlighting- bio fuels and bio diesel whereas Gautam Dutta, Associate Professor, IIITDM Jabalpur who shared details on recent advancements in nuclear energy discussing various aspects of nuclear power generation.