Over 600 industry leaders to attend India’s flagship renewable energy event on 2nd October
The participants would include ministerial delegations from the member countries of International Solar Alliance and Indian Ocean Rim Association apart from industry representatives from other parts of the world
New Delhi: More than 600 global industry leaders will be part of the 10,000 delegates likely to attend the second edition of India’s flagship renewable energy event RE-Invest 2018 beginning 2 October, the power ministry said.
The participants would include ministerial delegations from the member countries of International Solar Alliance (ISA) and Indian Ocean Rim Association (IORA) apart from industry representatives from other parts of the world.
“RE-Invest will showcase technologies and the progress that has been made and it will enable the building of partnerships between India and other countries. We already have confirmations from 24 ministers including 17 signatories, five of those who want to join and two others who want to become partners,” power minister R K Singh said here.
India is preparing to organize three global events between 2 October and 5 October including the first assembly of ISA, the second IORA Renewable Energy Ministerial Meeting and the second Global Renewable Energy Investment Meeting and Expo or RE-Invest 2018.
The three events will be inaugurated in a common function by Prime Minister Narendra Modi in the presence of Antonio Guterres, Secretary General, United Nations on 2 October in Vigyan Bhavan here. The business and technical sessions of ISA Assembly, the IORA meet and RE-INVEST 2018 expo will be held at India Expo Mart in Greater Noida.
The ministry said in a statement the mega event has so far received confirmation from 18 ministerial-level delegations for attending the first Assembly meeting of ISA apart from many partner organizations and observers.
ISA was launched jointly by PM Modi and the then French President François Hollande in 2015 on the side-lines of the 21st Conference of Parties (CoP 21) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change in Paris. The government has committed Rs 175 crore for setting up of ISA and as so far released Rs 140 crore for creating a corpus, building infrastructure and meeting day-to-day recurring expenditure.
So far, of the 121 prospective member countries, 68 have signed the Framework Agreement of the ISA. Of these, 44 countries have deposited the instrument of ratification. Inia has invited ministers from ISA Treaty Framework signatory countries for the Assembly.
IORA was set up to strengthen regional cooperation and sustainable development within the Indian Ocean Region with 21 Member States and 7 Dialogue Partners.
The last IORA Renewable Energy Ministerial Meeting was held in January 2014 in Abu Dhabi, UAE. In the second ministerial meeting ministers and delegates from all the 21 member countries are expected to participate.
IORA members include India, Australia, Iran, Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia, South Africa, Mozambique, Kenya, Sri Lanka, Tanzania, Bangladesh, Singapore, Mauritius, Madagascar, UAE, Yemen, Seychelles, Somalia, Comoros and Oman.