Window for Applications Opens March 18, 2019
LAS VEGAS: Last week NV Energy filed additional information with the Public Utilities Commission of Nevada (PUCN) about the Nevada GreenEnergy Rider (NGR 2.0) that makes available more than a million megawatt hours of renewable energy resources for large commercial customers such as casinos and government entities. This offering will reduce the cost most eligible commercial customers pay for electric service.
“We believe we are the best energy partner for our customers and will continue to work closely with them to keep them as fully-bundled customers,” said Doug Cannon, NV Energy president and chief executive officer. “NGR 2.0 offers eligible customers the ability to pay a rate directly tied to low-cost, Nevada-based solar resources, which is in line with our own philosophy to provide all of our customers with clean energy, while keeping rates low. This sustainable energy solution is a win-win as eligible customers will reduce their energy costs while NV Energy retains the renewable energy credits in order to comply with Nevada’s renewable portfolio standard for the benefit of all customers.”
NV Energy will use an “open window” period for enrollment, which includes a first-in-time, first-in-right approach to designate renewable energy allotments. The first enrollment window will open on nvenergy.com at 12 p.m. PST on Monday, March 18, 2019, and will remain open until the resource pool is full.
Information that explains the open window process will be posted on nvenergy.com on Monday, March 11, and will include a link to the form contract, a description of program rates with a sample calculation, and a description of the renewable resource rate.
Interested parties will need to provide basic information about their account, including energy consumption and subscription amount. Enrollment forms will be sent to a specific email address and the email receipt time will indicate the customer’s priority for allocation purposes. Finally, a signed contract must be provided within 45 days as specified in the tariff or the subscription will be released.
The initial allotments for the renewable energy rate include up to 565,000 megawatt hours of solar for southern Nevada customers and 375,000 in the north, which combined serves approximately 153 megawatts of demand. (One megawatt is enough energy to supply approximately 700 to 1,000 homes.) Commercial customers who use at least 8,760 megawatt hours of energy and have a load factor of 50 percent with an annual usage of one megawatt or more are eligible to participate. Governmental entities need only use 8,760 megawatt hours of energy annually.
The NGR 2.0 tariff, including the “open window” process, is subject to PUCN approval in April, but NV Energy is putting this forward now in response to customers who have expressed interest in this type of program.
The NGR 2.0 tariff filing can be read here.
NV Energy provides a wide range of energy services to more than 1.4 million customers throughout Nevada and more than 50 million tourists annually. NV Energy, Inc. is a holding company whose principal subsidiaries, Nevada Power Company and Sierra Pacific Power Company, do business as NV Energy. NV Energy is headquartered in Las Vegas, Nevada. Information about NV Energy is available on the company’s website, Twitter, Facebook and YouTube pages, which can be accessed via nvenergy.com.