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EEG register data and funding rates

EEG register data and funding rates


The Federal Network Agency publishes the additional values ​​according to the EEG and the MaStRV on the last day of each month on the basis of the EEG systems recorded in the market master data register up to the previous calendar month

EEG -building and cumulative values

Publication of the EEG extension values ​​- 02/2019  (xlsx / 1 MB) 
This file contains all summation values or additional values ​​according to the EEG and the MaStRV.

EEG plant master data from the MaStR

In the market master data register all registered units, locations and market players are visible. In the public overviews there are corresponding filter options. Up to 5,000 data records can be downloaded per table export. All data sets can be downloaded via the web service, further information can be found under this link .

In addition, all EEG units and EEG systems recorded in the market master data register will soon be made available as Excel files at this point .

EEG system master data (registration before MaStR starts )

EEG plant master data (except PV buildings)

The following is an information sheet for all renewable energy sources (other than PV systems installed on, on or in a building or other building) and the periodicals and past installment numbers necessary to verify the completion paths separate worksheets.

Publication of the EEG extension values ​​- 02/2019  (xlsx / 1 MB)

battery storage

Publication of the registered battery storage, in which only electricity from renewable energy plants is fed.

Publication of the EEG battery storage – 11/2017 to 01/2019  (xlsx / 1 MB)

PV rental equipment

Separate publication of the solar installations entered in the register, for which operators have made an assignment to the network operator for the form of sale of the tenant electricity surcharge in accordance with § 19 ( 1) No. 3 EEG .

Publication of PV tenant electricity registration numbers – 07/2017 to 01/2019  (xlsx / 54 KB)

PV systems (except PV- surface systems)

Publication of registered photovoltaic ( PV ) installations , excluding PV flats, since March 2015, including the sum of the newly installed capacity of these PV installations .

Data messages from 1 July 2017 to 31 January 2019  (xlsx / 7 MB)

Occasionally subsequently received correction reports do not lead to a renewed publication of the monthly values. However, in the case of the quarterly determination of new EEG compensation rates for PV systems and the determination of the overall configuration , the corrections received on these key dates are taken into account.

The reported installed nominal power of the individual data messages is not to be equated with the overall performance of the system . If, for example, a large plant is gradually put into operation, the data reports to the Federal Network Agency are usually made successively and arrive on different days. The installed nominal capacity of the whole system can not be taken from the lists.

Funding rates for PV systems

In principle, the Federal Network Agency publishes the sum of the installed capacity of all subsidized PV systems on a quarterly basis , which serves to identify and publish the subsidy rates for PV systems that apply in the following quarter . Correction notifications for already published monthly values ​​are taken into account.

The following table shows the partially corrected monthly values ​​underlying this value and the remuneration rates for PV systemsthat apply to the following quarter .

The reduction is 1.0% instead of the previously stated 1.4%.
Values ​​to be applied for solar systems February to April 2019 (corrected version dated 06.02.2019)  (xlsx / 16 KB)

For information purposes, the degression rates determined in the past and the underlying data reports for PV systems are provided.

Funding rates for wind energy ashore

Since January 1, 2019, the amount of compensation for electricity from wind turbines on land, which do not have to participate in tenders (small plants up to 750 kW and pilot plants), is calculated from the surcharge values ​​for previous tenders. For this purpose, the average is formed from the highest deferred bids in the previous year (§ 46b ( 1) EEG ).

For the year 2019 the tender results of 2017 will be used.

bid round highest bids bid ( ct / kWh )
May 2017 5.78
August 2017 4.29
November 2017 3.82
average value 4.63 *

Thus, the value to be applied to the tariff according to this special regulation for installations which go into operation in 2019 is 4.63 cents per kilowatt hour .

For the year 2020, the tender results of the year 2018 will be used.

bid round highest bids bid ( ct / kWh )
February 2018 6.28
May 2018 6.28
August 2018 6.30
October 2018 6.30
average value 6.29 *

Thus, the value to be applied to the tariff according to this special regulation for installations that will go into operation in 2020 is 6.29 cents per kilowatt hour.

* This is the value to create for a 100% reference site. The value to be applied for the specific asset will be adjusted depending on the wind yield ( § 36h EEG ).

For information purposes, the degression rates determined in the past and the underlying data reports for wind turbines on land are provided.

Decommissioning of biomethane plants

The Federal Network Agency publishes the data of the finally shut down biomethane plants, if the former operator has approved the publication.

It is published in order to encourage other plant operators switching their facility to the exclusive use of biomethane. The Renewable Energy Sources Act requires, as a condition for funding, that operators of such installations prove to their access network operators that at least as much biomethane power has been decommissioned as they themselves intend to commission.

Separate release of immobilized biomethane plants

Property code: A2577180220255 with an installed capacity of 369 kW
Source: bundesnetzagentur.de
Anand Gupta Editor - EQ Int'l Media Network


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