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Budget 2019: Expect higher allocation for renewable energy, distribution infra

Budget 2019: Expect higher allocation for renewable energy, distribution infra


The government must provide clarity required on the status of safeguard duty on imported modules post July 2020, which would have a bearing on the solar bid tariffs by the developers

With the criticality of power sector for the economy and the fact that it comes under concurrent purview of both the central and the state governments, there has been a significant focus on 24×7 reliable power supply throughout the country. This apart, the system strengthening works and IT initiatives under the centrally-sponsored schemes play an important role in improving operating efficiencies, especially the distribution loss levels for state owned distribution utilities (discoms).

In that context, the central government must augment the budgetary allocations towards its flagship schemes – Deendayal Upadhayaya Gram Jyoti Yojna (DUGJY) and Integrated Power Development Scheme (IPDS). While the Government of India envisaged an improvement in the operational efficiencies of discoms under UDAY scheme launched in November 2015, the progress has remained lower than expected so far, with AT&C losses remaining much higher than 20% in most of the states.

Apart from higher fund allocation, the government must usher in reforms in the distribution segment to achieve a sustainable improvement in the financial profile of the discoms.

The policy support by the central government as well as improved cost competitiveness has increased the share of renewable energy (RE) based capacity in the overall installed power generation capacity to 21.8% as on March 31, 2019 from 12.9% as on March 31, 2014. Similarly, the share of RE based generation in the overall generation mix at all India level increased to 9.2% in FY2019 from 5.6% in FY2015.

With installed capacity of 77.6 GW as on March 31, 2019, incremental capacity of 97.4 GW is required to meet the government’s RE capacity target of 175 GW by FY2022,
entailing investment of more then Rs 5 trillion. In this context, the government must enhance funding allocation for the renewable energy sector to support the development of renewable energy parks and for augmentation of inter-state transmission infrastructures.

Further, a significant push is required from to promote investments in the roof-top solar segment by providing incentives and an enabling regulatory framework, given that the installed capacity is low at 1.96 GW against the targeted capacity of 40 GW by FY2022. We also expect government measures to enable the availability of additional financing avenues for renewable energy projects.

In July 2018, the Ministry of Finance approved the imposition of safeguard duty on solar cells (assembled into modules or not) imported from China and Malaysia for a period of two years. The safeguard duty of 25% was applicable for a period of one year from July 30, 2018, followed by a reduction to 20% in the first six months of second year and further to 15% in the latter half of second year.

While the imposition of safeguard duty improved the competitiveness of domestic module manufacturers, the extent of benefit was constrained by the fall in the imported PV module prices. The government must provide clarity required on the status of safeguard duty on imported modules post July 2020, which would have a bearing on the solar bid tariffs by the developers as well as on the development of domestic PV module-manufacturing capacity.

DISCLAIMER: The views expressed are solely of the author and ETEnergyworld.com does not necessarily subscribe to it. ETEnergyworld.com shall not be responsible for any damage caused to any person/organisation directly or indirectly.

About Sabyasachi Majumdar

Sabyasachi Majumdar is the Senior Vice President & Group Head for Corporate Ratings at ICRA.

Source: energy.economictimes.indiatimes
Anand Gupta Editor - EQ Int'l Media Network


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