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India Ratings for Indian debt instruments – Apr 1

India Ratings for Indian debt instruments – Apr 1



Below are the ratings awarded by India Ratings and Research Private Ltd
(India Ratings), formerly known as Fitch Ratings India for local debt instruments as of
March 31, 2020.

COMPANY                         INSTRUMENT             RATING           AMOUNT   MOVEMENT
------                          ----------             ------           ------   ---------
Bonai Industrial Co. Ltd        FB limits              IND A1+          2000     Affirmed; Off
Feegrade & Company Pvt Ltd      FB limits              IND A1+          1500     Affirmed; Off
Hpl Electric & Power Ltd        CP (CP)                IND A2           3.2      Downgraded
Ken Enterprises Pvt Ltd         Non-FB Fac             IND A3           200      -
Maintained in Non-Cooperating Category(Issuer Not Cooperting)
Mohit Ventures Pvt Ltd          Non-FB WC limits       IND A4+          2.5
Migrated to non-cooperating category(Issuer not Cooperating)
Ocean Constructions (I) Pvt Ltd Non-FB limits          IND A4+          310      Assigned
Primacy Industries Ltd          Non-FB WC limits       IND A4+          52.8
Downgraded and migrated to non-cooperating category(Issuer Not Cooperating)
Rungta Mines Ltd.               FB limits              IND A1+          5000     Affirmed; Off
Rungta Mines Ltd.               Non-FB limits          IND A1+          1000     Affirmed; Off
Solex Energy Ltd                Non-FB WC limits       IND A4+          65       Affirmed
Swapna Printing Works Pvt Ltd   Non-FB limits          IND A3           70
Migrated to non-cooperating category(Issuer Not Cooperating)
Tata Projects Ltd               CP                     IND A1+          14       Affirmed
Yung Hsin Contain Industry Co   SBLC                   IND A1+(CE)      -        Affirmed and
Ltd                                                                              reassigned
Air India Express Ltd           NCDs                   WD               950      Withdrawn
                                                                                 (Paid in full)
Air India Express Ltd           Unsupported rating^    WD               -        Withdrawn
^Ind-Ra had assigned unsupported rating in compliance with the Securities Exchange Board of
India’s circular dated 13 June 2019, which requires credit rating agencies to disclose
unsupported ratings without factoring in the explicit credit enhancement (CE) and supported
rating after factoring in the explicit CE.
Ceat Specialty Tyres Ltd        FB/non-FB WC limits    IND AA / Stable  500      -
                                                       / IND A1+
Long-term rating upgraded; off RWP; short-term rating affirmed
Ceat Specialty Tyres Ltd        Term loans             IND AA /Stable   2280     -
Upgraded & reassigned; off RWP
Ceat Specialty Tyres Ltd        Proposed unsecured non WD               250      -
                                fundbased limits
Withdrawn (the company is unlikely to proceed with the instrument as envisaged)
Ceat Specialty Tyres Ltd        CP                     WD               250      -
Withdrawn (the company is unlikely to proceed with the instrument as envisaged)
Chalet Hotels Ltd               Non-FB WC limits       IND A2+/RWN      750      Placed on RWN
Chalet Hotels Ltd               TL                     IND BBB+/RWN     10150    Placed on RWN
Chalet Hotels Ltd               FB WC limits           IND BBB+/RWN     1350     Placed on RWN
Chalet Hotels Ltd               Proposed TL*           Provisional IND  340      Placed on RWN
*The rating is provisional and shall be confirmed upon the sanction and execution of financing
documents for the above facilities by CHL to the satisfaction of Ind-Ra.
Cochin Shipyard Ltd             Tranche I bond         IND AA+/Stable   1000     Affirmed
Cochin Shipyard Ltd             Tranche II bond        IND AA+/Stable   230      Affirmed
Ford India Pvt Ltd              WC limits              IND AA+/RWN/IND  35000    -
Long-term rating downgraded; short-term rating affirmed and maintained on RWN
Ford Motor Pvt Ltd              WC limits              IND              3000     -
Long-term rating downgraded; short-term rating affirmed
Gujarat Power Ltd               Unsupported Rating^    IND A-/Stable    -        Assigned
^Ind-Ra has assigned the unsupported rating in compliance with the Securities Exchange Board of
India’s circular dated 13 June, 2019, which requires credit rating agencies to disclose
unsupported ratings without factoring in the explicit credit enhancement (CE) and supported
rating after factoring in the explicit CE.
Gujarat Power Ltd               NCDs (NCDs)            IND AA(CE)/Stable27000    Affirmed
Hcl Infosystems Ltd             FB limits              IND BBB- /       3000     -
                                                       Negative /IND A3
(increased from INR2,850 mlns)
Hcl Infosystems Ltd             Non-FB limits          IND BBB-/        13000    -
                                                       Negative /IND A3
(reduced from INR14,750 mlns)
Hcl Infosystems Ltd             Proposed non-FB limits*Provisional IND  1300     -
                                                       BBB-/ Negative
                                                       /Provisional IND A3
* The rating is provisional and shall be confirmed upon the sanction and execution of loan
documents for the above facilities by HCLI to the satisfaction of Ind-Ra./(increased from
Hcl Infosystems Ltd             Proposed FB limits     WD               150      -
Hcl Infosystems Ltd             Proposed long-TL       WD               500      -
Himachal Energy Pvt Ltd         Long-TL                IND BBB+/Stable  80       Downgraded
Himachal Energy Pvt Ltd         FB limits              IND              250      Downgraded
Himachal Energy Pvt Ltd         Non-FB limits          IND              800      Downgraded
Hindupur Solar Park Pvt Ltd     Rupee TL               IND A(CE)/RWN    4715
Maintained on Rating Watch Negative (RWN)
Hindupur Solar Park Pvt Ltd     Unsupported rating^    IND A-/RWN       -        Assigned;
                                                                                 placed on RWN
^Ind-Ra has assigned the unsupported rating based on standalone profile of the project, without
taking obligor co-obligor structure into account.
Hpl Electric & Power Ltd        TL*                    IND BBB+/Stable  0.4      Downgraded &
*   Downgraded to ‘Provisional IND BBB+’/Stable and assigned final rating following the receipt
of sanction letter by Ind-Ra.
Hpl Electric & Power Ltd        FB WC limits           IND              4.75     Downgraded
(reduced from INR4.95 mlns)
Hpl Electric & Power Ltd        Non-FB WC limits       IND              7.45     Downgraded
Hpl Electric & Power Ltd        Proposed long-TL**     Provisional IND  0.25     Downgraded
** The ratings are provisional and shall be confirmed upon the sanction and execution of the
loan documents for the above facilities by HPL to the satisfaction of Ind-Ra./(reduced from
INR0.65 mlns)
India Standard Loan Trust Lviii Series A pass-through  Provisional IND  10135.44 Assigned
                                certificates (PTCs)    AAA (SO)/Stable
India Standard Loan Trust Lviii Liquidity facility (LF)Provisional IND  101.35   Assigned
India Standard Loan Trust Lviii Second loss credit     Provisional IND  709.48   Assigned
                                facility (SLCF)        BBB(SO)/Stable
Jammu And Kashmir Bank Ltd      Basel III compliant    IND A+/Negative  20000    Downgraded;
                                Tier II bonds                                    off RWN
Jammu And Kashmir Bank Ltd      Lower Tier II bonds    WD               6000     Withdrawn
                                                                                 (paid in full)
Kaithal Tollway Ltd             Senior, secured,       IND A+(CE)/      5500     Maintained on
                                unlisted NCDs (NCDs)   Rating Watch              RWP
                                                       Positive (RWP)
Kaithal Tollway Ltd             Unsupported rating^    IND A+/ Stable   -        Assigned
^Ind-Ra has assigned an unsupported rating in compliance with the Securities Exchange Board of
India’s circular dated 13 June 2019, which requires credit rating agencies to disclose
unsupported ratings without factoring in the explicit credit enhancement (CE) and supported
rating after factoring in the explicit CE.
Kaithal Tollway Ltd             Senior project Bk loan WD               8500     Withdrawn
                                                                                 (paid in full)
Ken Enterprises Pvt Ltd         Long-TL                IND BBB-         12.8     -
Maintained in Non-Cooperating Category(Issuer Not Cooperting)
Ken Enterprises Pvt Ltd         FB Fac                 IND BBB- /IND A3 290      -
Maintained in Non-Cooperating Category(Issuer Not Cooperting)
L&T Samakhiali Gandhidham       Senior project Bk loansIND BBB+/Negative5613.2   Negative
Tollway Ltd
(reduced from INR7,100mlns )
Mahabubnagar Solar Parks Pvt    Rupee TL               IND A(CE)/RWN    562.5
Maintained on Rating Watch Negative (RWN)
Mahabubnagar Solar Parks Pvt    Unsupported rating^    IND A/RWN        -        Assigned;
Ltd’                                                                             placed on RWN
^Ind-Ra has assigned the unsupported rating based on standalone profile of the project, without
taking obligor co-obligor structure into account.
Maharashtra Airport Development NCDs                   IND BBB          1500     Downgraded
Company Ltd
Mangilall Rungta                LT Issuer Rating       IND BBB+         -        Downgraded
                                                                                 from ‘IND A
Rating Watch Negative (RWN)
Mm Trust March 20 I             Series A PTC (PTCs)    Provisional IND  8915.4   Assigned
Mohit Ventures Pvt Ltd          TL                     IND BB           110.3
Migrated to non-cooperating category(Issuer not Cooperating)
Mohit Ventures Pvt Ltd          FB WC limits           IND BB           77.5
Migrated to non-cooperating category(Issuer not Cooperating)
Nmdc Ltd                        Non-FB limits          IND              24500    Affirmed
Nmdc Ltd                        FB limits              IND              500      Affirmed
Nmdc Ltd                        Proposed NCDs (NCDs)*  Provisional IND  50000    Assigned
*The final rating will be assigned following the closure of the issue upon the receipt of final
documentation, conforming to the information already received by Ind-Ra. The final documentation
includes all finalised financing and transaction document.
Ocean Constructions (I) Pvt Ltd FB limits              IND              40       Assigned
Polepally Solar Parks Pvt Ltd   Rupee TL               IND A(CE)/RWN    1342.5   Maintained on
                                                                                 Rating Watch
                                                                                 Negative (RWN)
Polepally Solar Parks Pvt Ltd   Unsupported rating^    IND A/RWN        -        Maintained on
                                                                                 Rating Watch
                                                                                 Negative (RWN)
^Ind-Ra has assigned the unsupported rating based on standalone profile of the project, without
taking obligor co-obligor structure into account.
Primacy Industries Ltd          TL                     IND BB+          285.4
Downgraded and migrated to non-cooperating category(Issuer Not Cooperating)
Primacy Industries Ltd          FB WC limits           IND BB+ /IND A4+ 1400
Downgraded and migrated to non-cooperating category(Issuer Not Cooperating)
Renew Wind Energy (Jath) Ltd    Unsupported rating^    IND A/Stable     -        Assigned
^Ind-Ra has assigned an unsupported rating in compliance with the Securities Exchange Board of
India’s circular dated 13 June 2019, which requires credit rating agencies to disclose
unsupported ratings without factoring in the explicit credit enhancement (CE) and supported
rating after factoring in the explicit CE.
Renew Wind Energy (Jath) Ltd    NCDs                   IND AA+(CE)/     4510
Affirmed; Outlook revised to Stable from Negative/(outstanding INR3,800 mlns)
Ruckmoni Memorial Charitable    Bk loan                IND BBB-         29.66
Educational Health Trust
Maintained to non-cooperating category(issuer Not Cooperating)
Ruckmoni Memorial Charitable    FB WC facility         IND BBB-         50
Educational Health Trust
Maintained to non-cooperating category(issuer Not Cooperating)
Ruckmoni Memorial Charitable    Proposed Bk loans*     WD               131.34
Educational Health Trust
Maintained to non-cooperating category(issuer Not Cooperating)/* The provisional rating has been
withdrawn as it has been outstanding for more than 90 days and the agency no longer expects it
to be converted to the final rating.
Sansar Trust March 2020 V       Second-loss credit     Provisional IND  355      Assigned
                                facility (SLCF)        A-(SO)/Stable
Sansar Trust March 2020 V       Series A pass-through  Provisional IND  4438     Assigned
                                certificates (PTCs)    AAA(SO)/Stable
Solex Energy Ltd                TL                     IND BB+/Stable   4.8      Affirmed
Outlook revised to Stable from Positive
Solex Energy Ltd                FB WC limits           IND              61       Affirmed
Outlook revised to Stable from Positive
Sterlite Power Transmission Ltd Non-FB limits          IND A3+/RWE      20810
Downgraded; placed on RWE
Sterlite Power Transmission Ltd FB limits              IND BBB/RWE      2500
Downgraded; placed on RWE
Sterlite Power Transmission Ltd NCDs (NCDs)            IND BBB/RWE      3500
Downgraded; placed on RWE
Sterlite Power Transmission Ltd TL                     WD               3672     Withdrawn
                                                                                 (paid in full)
Swapna Printing Works Pvt Ltd   FBL                    IND BBB-         20
Migrated to non-cooperating category(Issuer Not Cooperating)
Swapna Printing Works Pvt Ltd   Proposed FBL           Provisional IND  40
Migrated to non-cooperating category(Issuer Not Cooperating)
Tata Projects Ltd               LT issuer rating       IND AA/Stable    -        Affirmed
Tata Projects Ltd               NCD                    IND AA/Stable    10       Affirmed
Tata Projects Ltd               NCD*                   IND AA/Stable    5        Assigned
*The assignment of the final rating follows the receipt of the final documents conforming to the
information already received by Ind-Ra.
Tata Projects Ltd               FB WC limits           IND              23.17    Affirmed
                                                       AA/Stable/IND A1+
(reduced from INR28.02 mlns )
Tata Projects Ltd               Non-FB WC limits       IND              166.99   Affirmed
                                                       AA/Stable/IND A1+
(increased from INR158.51 mlns )
The Singareni Collieries Co. LtdTL                     IND AA/Stable    48300    Assigned
The Singareni Collieries Co. LtdFB WC limits           IND              7800     Assigned
                                                       AA/Stable/IND A1+
The Singareni Collieries Co. LtdNon-FB WC limits       IND              12200    Assigned
                                                       AA/Stable/IND A1+
Vishakha Polyfab Pvt Ltd        Non-FB WC limits       IND A2/RWN       260      Placed on RWN
Vishakha Polyfab Pvt Ltd        FB WC limits           IND BBB+/RWN     520      Placed on RWN
Vishakha Polyfab Pvt Ltd        TL                     IND BBB+/RWN     188.1    Placed on RWN
Wadhwa Construction &           TL                     IND BB+/RWN      6500     Downgraded;
Infrastructure Pvt Ltd                                                           placed on RWN
Wadhwagroup Holdings Pvt Ltd    TL (Lease rental       IND BB+/RWN      21940.7  Downgraded;
                                discounting)                                     placed on RWN
Wadhwagroup Holdings Pvt Ltd    TL                     IND BB+/RWN      5777     Downgraded;
                                                                                 placed on RWN
Winsol Solar Fields (Polepally) Rupee TL               IND A(CE)/RWN    4665
Pvt Ltd
Maintained on Rating Watch Negative (RWN)
Winsol Solar Fields (Polepally) Unsupported rating^    IND A/RWN        -        Assigned;
Pvt Ltd                                                                          placed on RWN
^Ind-Ra has assigned the unsupported rating based on standalone profile of the project, without
taking obligor co-obligor structure into account.
Note:- All Indian National-scale ratings previously assigned by Fitch have been transferred to
India Ratings & Research Private Ltd (India Ratings), which is a wholly owned subsidiary of the
Fitch Group. The withdrawn criteria are now available on India Ratings' website at

$: Rating watch with positive implication
#: Rating Watch with Developing implications
@: Rating Watch with Negative Implications
%: Rating under Credit Watch
wd -Rating Stands Withdrawn
sp -Rating Suspended
pp -Principal Protected
pn -Principal Not Protected

INDIA RATINGS may apply + or - signs for ratings to reflect a comparative standing within the

BG-Bank Guarantee; CC-Cash Credit; CCPS-Cumulative Convertible Preference Share; CD-Certificate
of Deposit; CLO-Collateralized Loan Obligation; CPA-Claims Paying Ability; CP-Commercial
Paper; CPS-convertible preference shares; CRPS- Cumulative Redeemable Convertible Preference
shares; DDB-Deep Discount Bond; EPBI-Exchange premium bond; FBL-Fund Based Limits; FRB/FRN
-Floating Rate Bond/Note; ICD -Inter Corporate Deposit; ITD-Immediate Term Debt; LOC-Letter of
Credit; LT -Long Term; LTB -Long Term Borrowing; LTD -Long Term Debt; MOCD-multiple option
convertible debenture; MTD -Medium term Debenture; MTN-medium term notes; NCD(SO) -
Non-Convertible Debenture-(Structured Obligation); NCD-Non-convertible Debentures; NCRB-Non
Convertible Redeemable Bonds; NM-Not Meaningful; OCD-optionally convertible debenture; OD-Over
Draft; OFCD-Optionally Fully Convertible Debenture; PCD-Partially Convertible Debenture;
PCN-partly convertible notes; PCPS-Partly Convertible Preference Share; POCD-partly optional;
PP-privately placed; PSPC-Post Shipment & Packing Credit; PS-Preference Shares; PTC-Pass
Through Certificates; RPS-Redeemable Preference Shares; SCPN-secured convertible preference
notes; SDO-Structured Debt Obligation; SLR-Statutory Liquidity Ratio; SO-Structured
Obligation; SPCD - Secured Partly Convertible Debentures; SPN-secured premium notes; STB-Short
Term Bond; STD-Short Term Debentures; ST-Short Term; Sub. Bonds-Subordinate Bonds; TB-Taxable
Bond; TFB-Tax Free Bond; TL-Term Loan; TOCD-triple option convertible debentures; RWN- Rating
Watch Negative;
RWN- Rating Watch Evolve.

(Mumbai Rate Reporting Unit + 91 22 6180 7222 / 3317 7222, E-mail at rru.data@refinitiv.com)

Source: reuters
Anand Gupta Editor - EQ Int'l Media Network


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