Extension for “NIT for and behalf of THDCIL for Design, Engineering, Supply, Construction, Erection, Testing, Commissioning and O&M of 50 MW(AC) Solar PV Power Plant at Kasargod Solar Park, Kerala”
SECI has entered into an MOU with THDCIL to act as a Project Management Consultant for the delverlopment THDCIL’s 250 MW Solar PV Project. Subsequent to the signing of MOU; KSEBL, THDCIL and SECI has entererd into a Tripartite Agreement for the delvopment of the intial 50 MW Solar PV Project of the THDCIL in the 200 MW Solar Park being developmed in ths state of Kerala. During the joint site visit by the KSEBL, THDCIL and SECI; land at Manjeswar (Kasaragod) has been indentified. Recently we have received marking for the land from Renweable Power Corproation of Kerala Limited.
For More Information Pls.Go Through Below Attached Documents…..
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