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E-consultation meeting Notification – For Renewable Energy (RE) based Solutions in (HAA) of Himalayas, India

E-consultation meeting Notification – For Renewable Energy (RE) based Solutions in (HAA) of Himalayas, India


E-consultation meeting Notification – EoI for Renewable Energy (RE) based Solutions/ System requirements in remote areas (HAA) of Himalayas, India

This is in reference to the EOI No. SECI/SD/EOI/20-21 dated 25/09/2020 regarding the E-Consultation Meeting detail for “Expression of Interest for Renewable Energy (RE) based Solutions/ System/ Technology
for meeting energy requirements in remote areas (HAA) of Himalayas, India


Due to current pandemic and lockdown on account of COVID19, the pre-bid meeting shall be conducted online as per the details mentioned below. 

Prospective Participants are requested to join the meeting at 1500 HRS on 05.10.2020, Indian Standard Time (UTC+5:30), by clicking on this link https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3a594b8dfec30f4010a6055b2002387789%40thread.tacv2/1601535077516?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%226ba91649-6082-4e2e-861b-ab47c044c9b6%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%229727fc22-9847-4852-8d36-5e941aa7597c%22%7d 

Prospective Participants are requested to remain updated for any notices/ amendments/ clarifications etc. to the RfS documents through the websites www.seci.co.in and https://eprocure.gov.in/cppp/ as no separate notification will be issued.

EOI ID in CPPP Portal : 2020_SECI_560883_1

Anand Gupta Editor - EQ Int'l Media Network