IREDA Issues 5 GW Tender For Grid Connected Solar Power Projects Under CPSU Program
The last date to submit the bids is March 4, 2021
Selection of Solar Power Developers for Setting up of 5,000 MW Grid Connected Solar PV Power Projects in India (Tranche-III) under Central Public Sector Undertaking (CPSU) Scheme Phase-II (Government Producer Scheme)
As part of the Government of India’s target to achieve a cumulative capacity of 100 GW Solar PV installation by the year 2022, IREDA wishes to invite proposals for setting up of Grid Connected Solar PV projects anywhere in India on “Build Own Operate” (B-O-O) basis for an aggregate capacity of 5,000 MW under Phase-II (Tranche-III). IREDA shall award the projects to the successful bidder(s) selected after e-RA in line with provisions of RfS.
Power generated from above Projects shall be solely for self-use or use by Government/Government entities, either directly or through Discoms on payment of mutually agreed usage charges of not more than Rs. 2.20/kWh. The said value shall be exclusive of any other third party charges like wheeling and transmission charges and losses, point of
connection charges and losses, cross-subsidy surcharges, State Load Dispatch Centre (SLDC)/ regional Load Dispatch Centre (RLDC) Charges, etc. as may be applicable.
EARNEST MONEY DEPOSIT (EMD) – Amount: INR 4,00,000/- (Indian Rupees Four Lakh) per MW to be submitted in the form of Bank Guarantee along with the Response to RfS
MNRE has issued the “Central Public Sector Undertaking (CPSU) Scheme Phase-II (Government Producer Scheme) for setting up 12,000 MW grid-connected Solar Photovoltaic (PV) Power Projects by the Government Producers with Viability Gap Funding (VGF) support for self-use or use by Government/Government entities, either directly or through Distribution Companies (DISCOMS)” vide No. 302/4/2017-GRID SOLAR dated 05.03.2019. These Guidelines have been issued under the provisions of Section 63 of the Electricity Act, 2003 for long term procurement of electricity by the ‘Procurers’, from grid-connected Solar PV Power Projects. 12,000 MW capacity will be added in 4 years’ period i.e. from financial year 2019-20 to 2022-23.
For more information please see below link: