Seeking approval for levying “Green Power Tariff”
Green Power Tariff of Rs 0.66/ kWh, which is over and above the normal tariff of the respective category as per Tariff Orders, be levied to the consumers opting for meeting their demand by 100% green energy.
1. Case No 134 of 2020 is allowed. MERC Order in Case No. 134 of 2020 Page 20 of 21
2. Green Power Tariff of Rs 0.66/ kWh, which is over and above the normal tariff of the respective category as per Tariff Orders, be levied to the consumers opting for meeting their demand by 100% green energy.
3. Revenue earned through Green Power Tariff shall be treated as non-tariff income of Supply Business and thereby be fully accounted for reduction in ARR of supply business.
4. All consumers (Extra High Voltage, High Voltage and Low Voltage) shall be eligible for opting 100% RE power on payment of Green Power Tariff.
5. The Commission may take overview of the scheme at the time of MTR Proceedings.
Please find more information below link.
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