Renewable power reaches 35 pct of German H1 consumption volume
Germany’s power output from renewable sources rose 9 percent in the first half of 2017 to account for 35 percent of total demand, which was up 1.5 percent in the six months, energy industry group BDEW said on Friday. Renewable production is weather-driven but due to sizeable additions of generation facilities, their volume outstrips demand growth in Europe’s biggest economy. Total electricity consumption amounted to 302.7 billion kilowatt hours (kWh), up from 298.4 billion a year earlier, according to data gathered by BDEW and the ZSW research institute and presented in a joint statement. Green electricity volumes amounted to 105.8 billion kilowatt hours (kWh) in January through June, compared with 97.1 billion in the same 2016 period. BDEW said in a statement its main concern was about the fact that the expansion of networks to transport the renewable power did not keep in step with rising generation. It also stressed reliable fossil fuels power plants continued to be necessary to offer back-up. The following data represented preliminary calculations and allowed for rounding errors. Production type Volume H1, Volume PCT CHANGE YR-YR 2017, bln kWh H1, 2016, bln kWh TOTAL 105.8 97.1 + 9.0 of which wind onshore 39.4 34.7 + 13.6 wind offshore 8.8 5.9 + 49.2 photovoltaic 21.9 19.3 + 13.5 biomass 23.2 22.7 + 2.2 household waste 3.0 2.9 + 5.0 geothermal 0.078 0.084 – 7.0 hydro power 9.4 11.5 – 18.0