PNE WIND AG negotiates the sale of the remaining 20 percent stake in the wind farm portfolio
Cuxhaven – PNE WIND AG is negotiating with Allianz Renewable Energy Fund II (AREF II) to sell the remaining 20 percent stake in PNE WIND Partners GmbH (formerly PNE WIND YieldCo Deutschland GmbH). The potential buyer is an investment company managed by Allianz Global Investors GmbH. PNE WIND AG and Allianz Global Investors GmbH have recently agreed on exclusivity in this respect.
The legally binding signing of the agreement on the proposed sale of the 20 percent stake is scheduled to take place in 2017, subject to the approval by the merger control authorities. Wind farm projects with a total capacity of 142.5 MW are bundled in PNE WIND Partners GmbH. Allianz Renewable Energy Fund II (AREF II) already acquired 80 percent of the shares in the company at the end of 2016.
This transaction also serves to finance the establishment of the new European portfolio with a capacity of up to 200 MW. The first wind farms with a total capacity of 43 MW will be commissioned by the end of 2017 as part of this portfolio. Further investments from the company’s own funds are planned up to the complete or partial sale of the new portfolio in 2020. Until the date of sale, PNE WIND AG expects increasing proceeds from the sale of electricity from its own wind farms.
Die PNE WIND-Gruppe mit ihren Marken PNE WIND und WKN ist ein führender deutscher Windpark-Projektierer. Mit rund 360 Mitarbeitern bietet die PNE WIND-Gruppe seit über 25 Jahren die gesamte Wertschöpfungskette von Entwicklung, Projektierung, Realisierung, Finanzierung, Betrieb, Vertrieb und Repowering von Windparks im In- und Ausland an Land aus einer Hand an. Nach Übergabe der fertiggestellten Anlagen an die Betreiber zählt zudem die technische und kaufmännische Betriebsführung einschließlich der regelmäßigen Wartung zum Leistungsspektrum der PNE WIND-Gruppe. Auf See werden Offshore-Windparks bis zur Baureife entwickelt. Neben der Geschäftstätigkeit im etablierten deutschen Heimatmarkt ist die PNE WIND-Gruppe international positioniert, um von dem enormen Wachstumspotenzial des globalen Windenergiemarktes zu profitieren und expandiert in dynamische Wachstumsmärkte.
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The PNE Wind Group, with its brands PNE WIND and WKN, is one of the leading German wind farm developers. With its approx. 360 employees, the PNE WIND Group has been offering services covering the entire added value chain ranging from the development, planning, realisation, financing, operation, marketing and repowering of wind farms in Germany and abroad from a single source for more than 25 years. Once the completed plants have been handed over to operators, the PNE WIND Group also offers technical and commercial management services, including regular maintenance, for the wind farms. The offshore wind farms at sea are developed up to the point where they are ready to be constructed. Alongside its business activities in the established domestic market in Germany, the PNE WIND Group is present at the international level in order to benefit from the tremendous growth potential of the global wind energy market and it is expanding into dynamic growth markets.
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