A number of measures taken to mitigate the impact of Disasters and ensure uninterrupted power supply: Union Power & NRE Minister Shri R. K. Singh – EQ Mag
The primary responsibility for disaster management rests with the State Government. As such, the concerned State Governments are responsible for undertaking damage assessment in the area affected by notified natural calamities including cyclone. Financial assistance from the State Disaster Response Fund (SDRF) and National Disaster Response Fund (NDRF) is provided to the State as per established procedure.
However, as per revised items & norms, assistance is provided limited to immediate restoration of electricity supply in the affected areas for the damaged conductor, poles and transformers upto 11 kV.
The measures taken by the Central and State Governments have significantly improved the disaster management practices, preparedness, prevention and response mechanisms resulting in significant reduction in casualties during natural calamities, including cyclones, in the country. Further, strengthening of the disaster management is a continuing and evolving process of governance.
Some of the measures being taken to mitigate the impact of Disasters and ensure uninterrupted power supply are as under:
- Additional financial assistance is provided to States from Nation Disaster Response Fund (NDRF), as per laid down procedure is case of disaster of ‘severe nature’, which includes as assessment based on the visit of an Inter-Ministerial Central Team (IMCT).
- Central Electricity Authority (CEA) has issued Disaster Management Plan, 2022. It provides a framework and direction to the utilities in the Power Sector for all phases of the disaster management cycle (i.e. Mitigation, Preparedness, Response and Recovery).
- CEA has notified the Central Electricity Authority (Technical Standards for Construction of Electrical Plants and Electric Lines) Regulations, 2022 on 23.12.2022 wherein several provisions regarding disaster mitigation were introduced.
- Inter-State and Inter-Regional Power Transfer by strengthening of inter-regional transmission links and formation of National Grid.
- Strengthening / Augmentation of sub-transmission and distribution systems- Under the RDSS Scheme launched by Government of India in July, 2021 financial assistance is being provided for works like underground cabling, etc, specified in the Disaster Management Plan for Power Sector issued by Central Electricity Authority in January, 2021 and its future amendments, if any and the Disaster Resilient Works specified by National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA).
- Strict monitoring to ensure timely completion of ongoing / sanctioned projects.
This information was given by the Union Minister of Power Sh. R.K. Singh in the Lok Sabha Today.