Abengoa announces the approval of the consent requested to Creditors on February 14
Abengoa, S.A., in compliance with article 228 of the Restated Securities Market Act approved by Royal Legislative Decree 4/2015, of 23 October (el Texto Refundido de la Ley del Mercado de Valores, aprobado por el Real Decreto Legislativo 4/2015, de 23 de octubre), hereby informs the Spanish Securities Market Regulator about the following:
Significant Event
Following the Significant Event published on 24 September 2016 (official registry number 243072) pursuant to which the Company announced the execution of the restructuring agreement by, among others, Abengoa, certain companies within its group as Original Obligors and certain creditors as Original Participating Creditors and Original Intragroup Creditors (the “Restructuring Agreement”); and the Significant Event published on 14 February 2017 (official registry number 248126) pursuant to which the Company announced a proposal for the adjustment of the drawdown mechanism of new money financing (the “Drawdown Proposal”) set out in the Term Sheet and the Restructuring Steps Plan to the Restructuring Agreement, maintaining the initial structure of the Transaction, but requiring certain amendments to the Term Sheet, the Restructuring Steps Plan, the Restructuring Agreement and the New Money Financing Commitment Letter (the “Amendments”), the Company informs that it has obtained the consent of the Majority Participating Creditors required under the Restructuring Agreement to approve the Amendments required to implement the Drawdown Proposal. The approval of these Amendments will allow the Company to initiate the required
steps to close the restructuring and permit the funding of the New Money.