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Amendment-1 & Pre-Bid Clarifications : Tender For 32 MW (AC) OB Dump Based Solar PV Power Plant At SCCL Telangana State


This has reference to the Tender documents (Tender No. SECI/C&P/NIT/2020/SCCL32 dated 19.03.2020) regarding the Tender for Design, Engineering, Supply, Construction, Erection, Testing, Commissioning and O&M of 32 MW (AC) OB Dump based Solar PV Power Plant for different packages at SCCL Telangana State.

Amendment-1 along with other necessary documents and Pre-bid Clarifications has been uploaded at ETS portal of Electronic Tender India. Com (ETI) & is also attached hereby with this notification for reference purpose.

All prospective bidders are requested to remain updated from ETS portal of ETI & SECI’s website @ www.seci.co.in & for any further updates.

Amendment 1 & Pre Bid clarifications

संशोधन -1 और पूर्व-बोली स्पष्टीकरण: SCCL तेलंगाना राज्य में 32 मेगावाट (AC) OB डंप आधारित सोलर PV पावर प्लांट के लिए निविदा

Anand Gupta Editor - EQ Int'l Media Network


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