Amendment & Clarification: e-tenders of low cost Li-Ion Solar Lanterns
Amendment & Clarification -Notice Inviting E – Tenders For Development and Supply of Low Cost Li-Ion (Unidirectional) Solar Lanterns.
Amendment–Tender for Inviting E – Tenders For Development And Supply Of Low Cost Li-Ion (Unidirectional) Solar Lanterns.
This has reference to the NIT document (NIT No.SECI/Cont./Ind./02/2016/Lnt2) for Notice Inviting E – Tenders For Development and Supply of Low Cost Li-Ion (Unidirectional) Solar Lanterns.
The amendments has been uploaded on TCIL Website.�Prospective bidders are requested to refer to TCIL website for details.
Tender Search Code: SECI-2016-TN000049