Andhra Pradesh 400MW NSM PH II VGF SECI’s Tender
On May 04, 2016, the e-reverse auction was conducted for selection of Solar power developer for 400MW Solar PV Projects under Part – B Open Category in Anathapuramu solar park, andhra pradesh under National Solar Mission Phase – II, Batch III, Tranche IV.
This was VGF BAsed tender by SECI under which the tariff was Rs.4.43 per kWh and the VGF bids were supposed to start from Rs.44.50 lacs per MW.
FRV Solar Holdings emerged lowest bidder by quoting lowest VGF at Rs.44.50 lacs per MW and thus won 100 MW Projects, L2 was Acme Solar winning 150MW quoting VGF of Rs.55 Lacs per MW, L3 was Tata Power winning 100 MW Projects quoting VGF of Rs.73.99 lacs per MW, L4 won Azure Power winning 50MW Project quoting VGF of Rs.74.49 lacs per MW. Unsuccessful bidders were Rattan India (Quoted Rs.74.74 lacs per MW) and Renew Power (Quoted Rs.97 Lacs per MW)
Hearty congratulations to the successful bidders