Approval of Revised Procedure for “Grant of Connectivity to projects based on RE sources to ISTS”
Approval of Revised Procedure for Grant of Connectivity Guidelines for ISTS-Connected Renewable Projects
In the matter of: Approval of Revised Procedure for “Grant of Connectivity to projects based on renewable sources to inter-State transmission system” under Regulation 27 of the Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (Grant of Connectivity, Long-term Access
and Medium-term Open Access in inter-State Transmission and related matters) Regulations, 2009
1. We hereby approve the Revised Procedure for “Grant of Connectivity to projects based on renewable energy sources to inter-State transmission system” and the same is enclosed as Annexure to this Order.
2. We direct Central Transmission Utility to give wide publicity to the Revised Procedure for the information of and compliance by all concerned.
3. The Revised Procedure shall come into force and the Pre-revised Procedure shall cease to have effect (save as otherwise provided in the Revised Procedure) from the date of this Order.
For more information please see below link:
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