The tribunal has directed the state regulatory commission not to allow the electricity distribution companies (discoms) to withdraw the proceedings pending for approval/adoption of tariff pertaining to the competitive bidding process.
The Appellate Tribunal for Electricity (APTEL) has provided temporary relief to renewable energy companies in Andhra Pradesh. Renewable developers, including Ayana Kadapa Renewable Power, Sprng Soura Kiran Vidyut, Sprng Agnitra, SB Energy Seven and SB Energy Solar, had moved APTEL for tariff of wind and solar power.
The tribunal has directed the state regulatory commission not to allow the electricity distribution companies (discoms) to withdraw the proceedings pending for approval/adoption of tariff pertaining to the competitive bidding process. Further, it has also restrained the Andhra Pradesh Electricity Regulatory Commission (APERC) from conducting a public hearing on the tariff-adoption process as the tariff had been discovered via a competitive bidding process. The next date of hearing is sche-duled on September 16, 2019.
“In that view of the matter, we issue ex-parte ad-interim direction against DISCOM and State Regulatory Commission not to initiate any precipitative/coercive action including cancellation or termination or deemed/automatic termination of PPA and PSA till such time the Andhra Pradesh State Regulatory Commission decides/issues order pertaining to adoption of tariff, trading margin and approval of procurement of contracted capacity,” APTEL order said. “We fail to understand how public hearing is initiated in the adoption tariff, which is an outcome of competitive bidding process,’’ the order said.
Last month, APTEL had asked the discoms owned by the AP government and APERC not to initiate any precipitative or coercive action against Ayana Kadapa Renewable Power, Sprng Soura Kiran Vidyut, Sprng Agnitra, SB Energy Seven and SB Energy Solar. This includes cancellation, termination or deemed termination of the PPA signed with these companies. The commission is yet to determine the tariff which has been lying with it since February 2018.