Assistant Professor (Contract) – Renewable Energy (Solar, Wind)
Job Description
Rolling Advertisement for Faculty Positions
Advertisement No. 06/2017, Dated: 20/06/2017
Pay Scale: PB-3 with Grade Pay of Rs. 6000/-+ 07 additional non compounded increments
Essential Qualification: Ph.D.
Relevant Experience: None
Other Essential Requirements: None
Additional Desirable Requirements: One publication in an SCI Journal
Instructions to the applicants: –
Institute will process the applications from time to time as per the requirements.
Complete application form in hard copy alongwith all the enclosures/annexure must be forwarded at the address given below.
Applicants are also required to forward only scanned copy of their application form (without any enclosures/annexure) on the email-id -facapp@iiitdmj.ac.in.
Applications forwarded only as scanned copy on the email not followed by hard copy, will not be considered.
Applications which are not strictly as per the format given will be summarily rejected. Bio data/Curriculum vitae etc. will also not be considered and will be summarily rejected.
Address for correspondence: Assistant Registrar (Establishment), PDPM IIITDM Jabalpur, Dumna Airport Road, PO-Khamaria, Jabalpur-482005 (MP) (India)
For more information visit: http://site.iiitdmj.ac.in/download/Rolling%20Advt.No.6-2017.pdf
Last Apply Date:2018-02-08
Salary:INR Pay Scale: PB-3 with Grade Pay of Rs. 6000/-+ 07 additional non compounded increments
Industry:Education / Teaching / Training
Functional Area:Teaching , Education , Training , Counselling
Employment Type:Permanent Job, Full Time
Desired Candidate Profile
Please refer to the Job description above
Company Profile:
Indian Institute of Information Technology, Design and Manufacturing Jabalpur
Address:The Assistant Registrar (Establishment), PDPM IIITDM Jabalpur, Dumna Airport Road, PO-Khamaria, Jabalpur-482005 (MP), India
Reference Id:http://site.iiitdmj.ac.in/download/Rolling%20Advt.No.6-2017.pdf