Bihar Gets First Solar-Powered Cold Storage in Jamui
Greenpeace volunteers celebrated alongside farmers in Kedia, as Bihar Labour Resources Minister Vijay Prakash inaugurated the state’s first solar-powered cold storage in Kedia in Jamui on Saturday.The installation of a crowd-funded, solar-powered, Eco-frost cold storage comes as a boon to the farmers of this small village.
Besides being environment-friendly, the solar-powered freezer will help farmers resist the pressure to sell their produce at exploitative prices.By providing a way to extend the shelf-life of their produce, the freezer gives farmers a degree of control over fluctuating market conditions, so that they can secure better prices and higher returns for their products.
By enabling the safe storage of their seeds for future harvests, the facility provides the farmers financial security and greater control over their futures.“Until now we couldn’t afford to grow vegetables commercially, because the lack of storage facilities meant that they would start to rot before we could sell them profitably. Now, the cold storage will ensure less wastage of our produce,” A farmer in Kedia, Sunita Devi said.
The eco-frost facility has been bought through individual donations secured via a Greenpeace-managed crowdfunding campaign across India.
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