Bosnian region invites bids for 60 MW solar power plant
The Energy Ministry of Bosnia’s autonomous Serb Republic on Friday invited interested investors to bid at a tender for the construction of a 60-megawatt (MW) solar power plant in southeastern Bosnia, report agencies.
The solar power plant, which will be located near the town of Bileca, is expected to produce 84 gigawatt-hours (GWh) of electricity per year to be sold on the open market.
International and local investors may submit bids for the project, which is expected to cost 70 million Bosnian marka ($40.2 million), within 30 days after the tender has been published in the region’s Official Gazette, the ministry said on its website.
The future operator will hold a 50-year concession to operate the plant.
The Serb Republic aims to add 1,000 MW of renewable energy sources by 2029 at a cost of 11.5 billion Bosnian marka to smooth its transition from coal, its energy minister said last week.
Unlike other Balkan countries which rely on power imports to cover much of their demand, Bosnia is able to export power largely thanks to its hydro capacity.