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New market report: 2021, the best year in European solar history. 2022, Europe set to hit 30 GW installation level – EQ Mag Pro

SolarPower Europe’s EU Market Outlook for Solar Power 2021-2025 shows another record year for the European solar sector. In 2021, the European Union has seen an estimated 25.9 GW of new solar PV capacity connected to the grid, an increase of 34% over the 19.3 GW installed in 2020. This growth makes 2021 the best […]

Mondragon Assembly, making the optimization and efficiency of HJT cell technology a reality – EQ Mag Pro

The European equipment manufacturer already includes in its portfolio the solutions for the interconnection of HJT cells being its groundbreaking Tabber & Stringer ECA industrial machine already a market reality. A month ago we heard about the news on the continuation of the collaboration agreement between MONDRAGON ASSEMBLY and CEA at INES, with the former […]

Enel Takes On Shell in Bid to Sell Australia Green Electricity – EQ Mag Pro

Enel is Europe’s biggest utility and major renewable producer Shell last month bought green energy retailer Powershop Enel SpA became the latest European energy giant to announce plans to expand its renewable electricity sales in Australia. The Rome-based company will launch a “greentailer” offering as much as 100% renewable power to help customers meet sustainability […]

Europe’s Hydrogen Ambitions Risk Boosting Power Prices – EQ Mag Pro

The European Union’s plan to use hydrogen to decarbonize energy-intensive industries like transport and steel risks making making electricity prices “punishingly expensive,” a new study shows. Using green hydrogen, produced using renewable electricity, to drive the decarbonization of those industries would increase power demand by 17% — equivalent to the consumption of France — by […]