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Renewable Energy

Cities Can Tackle Clean Energy Goals By Focusing on Utility Planning – EQ Mag Pro

Many local governments, businesses and electric utilities in the United States are setting ambitious clean energy targets as they increasingly recognize the need for a low-carbon future. Today, one-fifth of the world’s largest corporations have committed to net-zero targets, nearly 200 local governments in the U.S. have established commitments to power their communities with 100% […]

Steps by Government to ensure smooth integration of RE generation with Main Grid – EQ Mag Pro

The intermittency in Renewable Energy (RE) generation which is caused due to variability in availability of natural resources during a day poses a challenge in its integration with the grid. The Government in order to ensure smoother integration of RE generation with the grid has taken several measures including the following: Construction of Intra-State and […]

GWEC report identifies floating offshore wind’s critical role in long-term global decarbonization efforts – EQ Mag Pro

Research identifies five countries that could accelerate the growth of floating offshore wind. The Global Wind Energy Council (GWEC) has today published Floating Offshore Wind – a Global Opportunity, a report setting out the clear opportunity floating offshore wind presents for countries across the globe. The report sets out the enormous role floating offshore wind […]

India pursuing bilateral measures to achieve renewable energy expansion targets: UN chief Antonio Guterres – EQ Mag Pro

UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres said: “India is pursuing bilateral measures to achieve Prime Minister Modi’s ambitious targets for renewable energy expansion by 2030, which we hope to soon see reflected in a new and strengthened national climate plan.” UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres on Monday said India is pursuing bilateral arrangements to achieve Prime […]

Government incentivizes local development and manufacturing of renewable energy technologies – EQ Mag Pro

The Government has taken a number of initiatives for incentivizing local development and manufacturing of renewable energy technologies, namely: Modified Special Incentive Package Scheme (M-SIPS) Scheme of Ministry of Electronics & Information Technology: The scheme mainly provides subsidy for capital expenditure – 20% for investments in Special Economic Zones (SEZs) and 25% in non-SEZs. The […]