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Renewable Energy

World at Peak Fossil Fuel Generation As Emerging Markets ‘Adopt’ Renewables: CEEW Report

Fossil fuel electricity generation has peaked worldwide as emerging markets seize the opportunities of low-cost renewables, a report published by India’s Council on Energy, Environment and Water (CEEW) and the financial think tank Carbon Tracker said. Given renewables are already the cheapest source of new electricity in 90 per cent of the world, emerging markets […]

Regulatory Constraints Affecting Renewable Energy Projects

States have either completely withdrawn or reduced the concessions or incentives on open access charges. New Delhi: Regulatory constraints are posing headwinds for open access-based renewable energy (RE) projects, said ICRA on Thursday. Independent power producers (IPPs) in the renewable energy sector selling electricity in the open access route (third-party or group captive mode) are […]