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Research, Reports & Ratings

Only 4 out of 38 clean-energy technologies are on track to meet long-term climate goals

The International Energy Agency’s new and most comprehensive analysis of the clean-energy transition finds that only 4 out of 38 energy technologies and sectors were on track to meet long-term climate, energy access and air pollution goals in 2017. The findings are part of the IEA’s latest Tracking Clean Energy Progress (TCEP), a newly updated […]

A global solar transition could leave Africa in the shade -EQ

Indian-Origin Scientist Leads Team That Finds Way to Make Fuel From Sunlight!

Dr Govinder Singh Pawar, a scientist of Indian origin at the University of Exeter in the UK, has now fabricated a semiconductor photoelectrode ydrogen is one of the lightest elements in the periodic table, and due to its simple composition, it is also the most abundant element in the universe. It is also believed to […]

A global solar transition could leave Africa in the shade -EQ

Creating jobs for women in the renewable energy sector

India’s transition to clean energy could improve the quality of life of women India can increase its GDP by up to 60% by 2025 by enabling more women to participate in its workforce, a 2015 study by the McKinsey Global Institute had stated. However, social and cultural constraints can prevent this from becoming a reality. […]

A global solar transition could leave Africa in the shade -EQ

One simple chart shows why an energy revolution is coming – and who is likely to come out on top

The cost of producing solar power is rapidly declining: it now costs $50 to produce one megawatt-hour of solar power, according to a new analysis. Coal, on the other hand, costs $102 per megawatt-hour to produce. This recent change could be a sign that the world is on the verge of an energy revolution. The cost of solar power […]

A global solar transition could leave Africa in the shade -EQ

Geopolitics of Renewables

The optimism around the “renewables-for-peace” narrative has diminished. Geopolitical assertions about the power of the renewables to usher in greater co-operation among countries are being falsified by recent developments. If anything, renewables have been pivotal in sparking what many refer to as the US-China trade war while several new players emerging as competitors in the […]

A global solar transition could leave Africa in the shade -EQ

CARE ratings for Indian debt instruments-Apr 30

Below are the ratings awarded by Credit Analysis and Research Ltd. (CARE) for local debt instruments as of April 27, 2018. COMPANY INSTRUMENT RATING AMOUNT MOVEMENT (RS.MLN) ------- ---------- ------ ------- --------- SHORT TERM RATINGS: ------------------- Ajay Trading Compnay ST Bk Fac CARE A4+ 270 Assigned Bodal Chemicals Ltd ST Bk Fac CARE A1 850 […]

A global solar transition could leave Africa in the shade -EQ

Off-grid solar market returns to robust growth, according to latest sector report

The off-grid solar sector has returned to robust growth, reversing a brief dip in sales that was mostly due to localized shocks, according to a new report released today by the World Bank Group’s Lighting Global program and the Global Off-Grid Lighting Association (GOGLA). The latest Global Off-Grid Solar Market Report shows that during the […]

A global solar transition could leave Africa in the shade -EQ

4 Ways to Get Projects Done in a World With Solar Tariffs

Do what you do better, then go where the opportunity is. There’s no way around it: The Trump administration’s Section 201 tariffs on foreign-made crystalline silicon cells and modules make it harder to getsolarprojects built. According to GTM Research, cumulative PV installations in the U.S. will total 7.6 gigawatts less between 2018 and 2022 than […]

A global solar transition could leave Africa in the shade -EQ

New Geopolitics: Commission on the Global Consequences of Renewable Energy Transformation

Berlin, Germany: Global leaders from across the spheres of energy, foreign policy, trade, development and business have been announced as members of the newly formed Global Commission on the Geopolitics of Energy Transformation. The Commission was launched in January during the Assembly of the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) and its work is supported by […]

A global solar transition could leave Africa in the shade -EQ