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Research, Reports & Ratings

Facebook, Twitter to Provide Data on Energy Market Manipulation

Facebook Inc., Twitter Inc. and Google parent Alphabet Inc. agreed to turn over information to Congress on Russian entities purchasing ads that may have been used to manipulate U.S. energy markets, according to the chairman of the House Science Committee. Officials at the technology companies said in telephone conversations they will forward the material “soon,” […]

A global solar transition could leave Africa in the shade -EQ

Commentary: Renewable energy offers cost-effective options to cut carbon emissions from industry

Reducing long-term greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in the industry sector is one of the toughest challenges of the energy transition. Combustion and process emissions from cement manufacturing, iron- and steelmaking, and chemical production are particularly problematic. But there are a variety of current and future options to increase the uptake of renewables as one possible […]

A global solar transition could leave Africa in the shade -EQ

IREDA Continues High Pace of Loan Growth Even as Its Bad Loans Rise

New Delhi: Unconcerned by its rising bad loans, the Indian Energy Development Agency (IREDA) is aggressively lending to renewable power generators. If it continues at this pace, experts say, it could suffer the same fate as Power Finance Corporation (PFC), which saw its non-performing assets (NPAs) jump by 300% to Rs 30,702 crore in 2016-17 after […]

A global solar transition could leave Africa in the shade -EQ

100% Renewable Electricity Worldwide is Feasible and More Cost-Effective than the Existing System

New Study: 100% Renewable Electricity Worldwide is Feasible and More Cost-Effective than the Existing System November 8, 2017, Bonn – A global transition to 100% renewable electricity is not a long-term vision, but already a tangible reality, a new groundbreaking study by the Lappeenranta University of Technology (LUT) and the Energy Watch Group (EWG) shows. […]

A global solar transition could leave Africa in the shade -EQ

Efforts To Address Climate Through Clean Energy Lag in Emerging Markets

Two years post-Paris, Climatescope research from Bloomberg New Energy Finance highlights slowing investment from OECD countries and limited policy-making follow-through in non-OECD nations. London, Washington D.C. and São Paulo, November 6, 2017 – Two years since the signing of the Paris climate agreement and eight years after Copenhagen, countries on both sides of the rich-poor […]

A global solar transition could leave Africa in the shade -EQ

Digitalization set to transform global energy system with profound implications for all energy actors

Digital technologies are set to transform the global energy system in coming decades, making it more connected, reliable and sustainable. This will have a profound and lasting impact on both energy demand and supply, according to a new report by the International Energy Agency, Digitalization & Energy. In this first comprehensive report on the interplay […]

A global solar transition could leave Africa in the shade -EQ

State and trends of carbon pricing 2017 (English)

ABSTRACT Carbon pricing plays an important role in tackling climate change as it requires the cost of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions to be considered in financial decisions. This levels the playing field between emission-intensive and low-carbon economic activities, triggering more investments in low carbon technologies. Carbon pricing is therefore key to mobilizing the United States […]

A global solar transition could leave Africa in the shade -EQ

Digitalization set to transform global energy system with profound implications for all energy actors.

Digital technologies are set to transform the global energy system in coming decades, making it more connected, reliable and sustainable. This will have a profound and lasting impact on both energy demand and supply, according to a new report by the International Energy Agency. In this first comprehensive report on the interplay between digitalization and […]

A global solar transition could leave Africa in the shade -EQ

India’s carbon emission jumped 1,041% since 1971, says study

The study also found that the rise in emissions in India over the years was higher than combined emissions by Australia, Israel, Japan, Korea and New Zealand. India was ranked the third-highest carbon dioxide (CO2) emitter in the world in 2015 after China and USA, according to the International Energy Agency, a Paris-based energy policy […]

A global solar transition could leave Africa in the shade -EQ

Decline in installation cost to drive growth of renewables

The agency said this trend suggests that renewables growth is becoming self-sustaining and that the US plan to withdraw from the Paris climate accord will not affect sector growth. Mumbai: A significant decline in the cost of installing solar and wind power over the last decade should ensure sustained renewables growth in all major markets, […]

A global solar transition could leave Africa in the shade -EQ