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Unless otherwise stated, this publication and material featured herein are the property of the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) and are subject to copyright by IRENA. Material in this publication may be freely used, shared, copied, reproduced, printed and/or stored, provided that all such material is clearly attributed to IRENA and bears a notation that it is subject […]

A global solar transition could leave Africa in the shade -EQ

Uneven progress on achieving access to sustainable energy for all

Modest improvements in global electrification and access to clean cooking overshadow more significant progress in the global share of renewable energy reports Global Tracking Framework 2017 – Progress Toward Sustainable Energy, launched today in New York. This third edition of the report, a multi-agency effort led by the International Energy Agency (IEA) and the World […]

A global solar transition could leave Africa in the shade -EQ

Record renewable power capacity installed in 2016

Installed capacity of renewable energy has touched the 2,000-gigawatt-milestone in 2016, with an unprecedented installation of 161.02 GW during the year. According to the data released by International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) in their report Renewable Capacity Statistics 2017 last week, the record increase in installation can be attributed largely to increase in solar capacity […]

A global solar transition could leave Africa in the shade -EQ

Policy makers drag feet on getting electric power to the people

Just over 1 billion people, or around one in seven, still have no access to electricity, a figure that has barely improved in two years, while the number cooking with health-harming fuels rose slightly to just over 3 billion, a report said on Monday. Data for 2012 to 2014 showed progress in providing clean, modern energy […]

A global solar transition could leave Africa in the shade -EQ

New graphene based electrode to boost solar power

Inspired by an American fern, scientists have developed a new graphene based electrode that could boost the capacity of existing solar integrable storage technologies by 3,000 per cent. The “groundbreaking” prototype created by researchers from RMIT University in Australia could be the answer to the storage challenge still holding solar back as a total energy […]

A global solar transition could leave Africa in the shade -EQ

Global Revenue for Fixed Cost Microgrid O&M is Expected to Exceed $4 Billion in 2026

A new report from Navigant Research examines the global market potential for the provision of operations and maintenance (O&M) services for key microgrid enabling technologies. Implementation spending for previous microgrid projects has flowed to a diverse value chain of suppliers, technology providers, integrators, controls software vendors, and utilities. As these projects mature and as the […]

A global solar transition could leave Africa in the shade -EQ

Weaker PV Demand in 1Q17 Results in Wait-and-See Mode for April: Price Trend

The PV market continued to witness weak demand in March, leading to lower-than-expected demand in 1Q17. Polysilicon prices started to decline slightly in mid-March. This week, the polysilicon market saw more significant decline in prices. Most top-tier polysilicon makers performed long-term contract production, resulting in less active price quote. The trading volume remained low, with […]

A global solar transition could leave Africa in the shade -EQ

2016 a Record Year for Renewables, Latest IRENA Data Reveals

Global renewable energy generation capacity increased by 161 gigawatts (GW) in 2016, making the strongest year ever for new capacity additions, according to data released today by the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA). Renewable Energy Capacity Statistics 2017, estimates that by the end of last year the world’s renewable generation capacity reached 2,006 GW, with […]

A global solar transition could leave Africa in the shade -EQ

Experts gather to give strategic direction to upcoming World Energy Outlook special report on energy and development

The latest IEA country by country data finds that 1.2 billion people have no access to electricity and 2.7 billion still cook their food using dangerous, polluting stoves that are linked to 3.5 million premature deaths from household air pollution each year. This lack of modern energy acts as a major brake on efforts to […]

A global solar transition could leave Africa in the shade -EQ

Drop in ROE won’t mar NTPC and PGCIL’s earnings trajectory, says Jefferies

We believe NTPC and Power Grid (PGCIL) will double earnings during FY17e-24e even factoring a potential drop in regulated RoE (return on equity) from 15.5% to 14%. CERC’s suggestion of this drop for renewable energy is being seen as a read-through for NTPC’s and PGCIL’s FY20e-24e regulated regime. We believe NTPC’s FY17e-19e double-digit EPS CAGR […]

A global solar transition could leave Africa in the shade -EQ