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Petition with the CERC (Sharing of Inter-State Transmission Charges and Losses) Regulations, 2010

Petition with the CERC (Sharing of Inter-State Transmission Charges and Losses) Regulations, 2010


In the matter of : Petition under Section 79(1)(c), (d) and (f) of the Electricity Act, 2003 read with the Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (Sharing of Inter-State Transmission Charges and Losses) Regulations, 2010 and Regulations 111 and 114 of the Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (Conduct of Business) Regulations, 1999 for re-determination of Slab Rates for the period January, 2016 to March, 2016 i.e. Quarter Q 4 of FY 2015-16 determined vide order dated 12.3.2016.

For more information please see below link:

Source : cercind
Anand Gupta Editor - EQ Int'l Media Network


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