Commission invites Comments on Draft TSERC (Deviation Settlement Mechanism and related matters ) regulation, 2020
Commission invites Comments/Suggestions from all the stakeholders on Draft TSERC (Deviation Settlement Mechanism and related matters ) regulation, 2020 on or before 19.01.2021 before 5 PM
The Commission with an objective to maintain grid discipline and grid security as per provisions of IEGC and State Electricity Grid Code and to enforce standards with respect to the quality, continuity and reliability services through the commercial mechanism for Deviation Settlement by monitoring and controlling the deviations against the final schedule issued by SLDC for drawal of electricity for Buyer(s) and
schedule for injection of electricity for Seller(s), involved in the transactions of conveyance of electricity facilitated through open access using intra-state transmission system (In-STS) and/or distribution system of electricity made a Draft „Deviation Settlement Mechanism and related matters‟ Regulations, 2018 on 05.01.2019, and invited suggestions, comments, objections from all the interested persons/stakeholders.
For more information please see below link:
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