Discovery of Lowest Cost & Tariff : 1000MW Grid Connected RT Solar PV System Scheme
This has reference to the RfS documents (RfS No. SECI/C&P/MNRE/1000MW RT/IND/122016 dated 09.12.2016) for Implementation of 1000 MW Grid Connected Roof Top Solar PV System Scheme for Government Buildings in different States / Union Territory of India under CAPEX/ RESCO Model (500MW Capacity PHASE – I).
The state wise lowest Project Cost/ Tariffs as mentioned on the attached file are tentative. The final list shall be uploaded by 24.07.2017, which may have minor variations, if any.
Bidders are requested to do due diligence of the discovered Project Cost/ Tariff regarding their decision for state wise Price matching as per provisions of Tender Documents.
The consent of their Price Matching (of Project Cost/ Tariff with L1 of the respective States/ Union Territories) may be sent through TCIL/ E-mail (contracts@seci.co.in) latest by 26.07.2017 upto 23:59 HRS, failing which it shall be construed that Bidders are not ready to match the Prices and SECI will decide to award the Contracts based on the inputs received till 23:59 HRS on 26.07.2017.
No further extension shall be given on this account.
Tender Search Code (TSC) for the RfS : SECI-2016-TN000056
For more information please see below link…