EC approves €200-mn for renewable energy in France
Brussels: The European Commission (EC) has approved under EU State aid rules a measure to support electricity production from renewable sources for self-consumption in France until 2020.
The measure adopted here on Monday, will further the EU’s energy and climate objectives without unduly distorting competition in the Single Market.
Commissioner Margrethe Vestager, in charge of competition policy, said: “This scheme will stimulate competition between renewable energy sources for self-suppliers and will further increase the share of renewables in France’s energy mix.
The technology-neutral tenders will contribute to France’s transition to low carbon and environmentally sustainable energy supply, in line with the EU environmental objectives and our state aid rules.”
The measure is designed to encourage the production of renewable electricity by companies and individuals for their own use (self-consumption), specifically for instances where only a limited part of the electricity they produce is sold to the grid.