EDF Renewables and Total Eren sign contracts for the sale of electricity for more than 700 MWp of solar energy in India
Total Eren and EDF Renewables announce the signing of four Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs), each of 25 years duration. They concern four solar power projects located in northern India with a total capacity of 716 MWp. These photovoltaic projects were won by EDEN Renewables India, a joint venture with two PV partners in India.
EDEN Renewables India has signed:
- At the end of June, a contract for the sale of electricity with the federal government agency SECI (Solar Energy Corporation of India) for a solar project with a capacity of 450 MWp [1] in the State of Rajasthan;
- In the spring of 2019, three PPPs for two solar projects with a unit capacity of 98 MWp [2] and a solar project with a capacity of 70 MWp [3] following the call for tenders launched by the local network manager UPPCL (Uttar Pradesh Power Corporation Limited) in the state of Uttar Pradesh.
With an annual output of about 1200 GWh per year, these solar photovoltaic plants will generate the energy needed to meet the annual electricity needs of nearly 1.1 million Indian homes. The launch of the construction is scheduled for the end of the year and commissioning by the end of 2020.
EDEN Renewables India has been developing, building and operating solar projects in India since 2016. Through their local presence and their team of experts based in Delhi,
EDF Renouvelables and Total Eren already operate four solar plants in India for a total of 207 MWp of electricity. installed capacity in the states of Rajasthan, Uttarakhand and Madhya Pradesh.
Fabienne Demol, Executive Vice President – Global Head of Development at Total Eren, says : ” We are delighted to have signed these PPAs for our four solar power plants, which will help meet the energy needs of the people of Uttar Pradesh and Rajasthan, as well as the development of renewable energy projects at the local level. We will quadruple our installed capacity in India! The signing of these PPPs represents a significant advance in our development in this market, which still offers many growth opportunities. I look forward to working on other renewable energy projects in India with our partner EDF Renouvelables via our joint EDEN subsidiary, which plays a key role in achieving our local ambitions . “
Frédéric Belloy, EDF Renouvelables’ International Director , said : ” We welcome the signing of electricity sales contracts that will enable residents of Uttar Pradesh and Rajasthan to access low-carbon electricity. These large-scale projects, a lever for local economic development, allow us to consolidate our presence in India and to consider new projects in this country, which is one of the strategic markets for EDF Renewables. These developments are fully in line with EDF Group’s Cap 2030 strategy, which aims to double its renewable capacity between 2015 and 2030, in France and internationally. “
[1] equivalent to 300 MWac
[2] equivalent to 70 MWac
[3] equivalent to 50 MWac
ABOUT EDF RENOUVELABLES (formerly EDF Energies Nouvelles)
EDF Renewables is an international leader in renewable electricity with an installed capacity of nearly 13 GW gross worldwide. Its development is mainly focused on wind and solar photovoltaic. Mainly present in Europe and North America, EDF Renouvelables continues its development by taking positions in promising emerging markets such as: Brazil, China, India, South Africa and the Middle East. The Company, which is strongly positioned in the offshore wind industry, is also present in other renewable energy sectors such as energy storage. EDF Renouvelables ensures the development and construction of renewable energy projects as well as their operation and maintenance, for own account and for third parties.
About Total Eren
Founded in 2012 by Pâris Mouratoglou and David Corchia, Total Eren develops, finances, builds and operates renewable energy plants (wind, solar, hydro) with a gross capacity of more than 2400 MW in operation or under construction worldwide. Through partnerships with local developers, Total Eren is currently developing numerous projects in countries and regions where renewable energy is an economically viable response to growing energy demand, particularly in Eastern Europe, Central Asia, Asia Pacific, South Africa and Asia. Latin America and Africa. On April 5, 2019, Total Eren joined the Novenergia Group and expanded its presence in Southern Europe in particular. The objective is to reach a net global installed capacity of more than 3 GW by 2022 beyond the plants brought by Novenergia. Since December 2017, Total SA, a leading player in the energy sector, has been a Total Eren shareholder.