ENERCON installations surpass 25 gigawatts in Germany – EQ Mag Pro
Milestone achieved in Ebersdorf wind farm in Lower Saxony – aim to push further onshore wind expansion together with customers.
ENERCON has surpassed the notable mark of 25 gigawatts of total installed power in Germany. This is the equivalent of the power generated by 25 coal-fired power plant units. ‘This is a remarkable contribution to the energy transition in Germany, which our team can be proud of’, says Ulrich Schulze Südhoff, Regional Head of ENERCON Region Central & Northern Europe (CNE), in which Germany is the most important core market.
‘We would also like to thank our loyal customers, without whom we could not have reached this milestone. Just like us, they are driven by a clear commitment to onshore wind energy, the energy transition and climate protection. We are ready to take on the next milestones and advance the restructuring of the energy system together with them. After years of stagnation, the signs in Germany are now good. The climate protection programme put forward by the new Federal Government gives grounds for optimism. Furthermore, against the background of Russia’s war of aggression on Ukraine politics and public opinion recognize renewables as a guarantor and backbone of import-independent energy supply in Germany. This will have further positive effects on the framing conditions in our domestic market.’
ENERCON is installing a total of four E-138 EP3 E2 wind energy converters at a hub height of 160 metres in the Ebersdorf wind farm in Lower Saxony for the customer Energie 3000 Energie- und Umweltgesellschaft mbh. One of these – the
25 GW WEC – is a community-owned wind energy converter which 48 citizens are involved in. ‘This setup is a good example of how local acceptance of wind energy can be improved’, says Ulrich Schulze-Südhoff. ‘When residents are involved in the operation and have a share in the profits, approval ratings rise. These aspects will gain in significance with further onshore expansion. The wind industry has to win over the local people so that the energy transition can advance.’
Since its foundation in 1984, ENERCON has installed a total of 13,549 wind energy converters in Germany (as of 12/2021). The company is market leader with a market share of 35.2 per cent (source: Fachagentur Windenergie an Land dated 02/2022). The declared objective is to keep this leading position. ‘We will not be resting on our laurels, as we know that we still have quite a bit of work to do. And our customers will be the focus of this work’, says Ulrich Schulze-Südhoff. ‘They are at the core of our actions. We are there for them and aim to maintain a trust-based partnership over many years. In order to achieve this, the quality of our products and services is continuously improved. We provide a competitive portfolio of these products and services and also offer sales-driving business models – such as support with financing, repowering or concepts for continued operation after the EEG phase.’