Enhancing the Impact of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Policies
Together, energy efficiency and renewable energy will need to deliver more than three quarters of the emission reductions needed in the next decades to reach global climate targets. To achieve this goal, these technologies will need to be deployed much faster than they are now, requiring a more integrated approach between energy efficiency and renewables.
These topics will be discussed today at the International Energy Agency’s workshop on Enhancing the Impact of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Policies, bringing together 200 senior policymakers, officials and executives who will review emerging policy and business initiatives.
“Efforts to improve energy efficiency and increase the deployment of renewables have up until now been treated largely in isolation,” said the IEA’s Executive Director, Dr Fatih Birol. “This has to change, especially given the much greater progress that is urgently needed on both fronts. Success will depend on aligning policies for renewables and efficiency to take advantage of synergies and avoid any unintended consequences.”
Future energy systems will require higher proportions of energy efficiency and renewable energy, yet policy is often developed and implemented separately, running the risk of diluting their impact for government, consumers and businesses.
The workshop will hear case studies from various countries including Germany, Japan, China and Mexico, showcasing new approaches to better policy integration, new business models and technology. It will explore how governments are beginning to align existing policies and where potential trade-offs might exist. It will focus particularly on the buildings sector, where many innovative approaches are starting to be seen.
The results of a better alignment of renewables and energy efficiency policies, which can sometimes work at cross-purpose, will also contribute to improving energy security, energy access and bring other economic benefits.