EnKing International supporting UN’s ecosystem restoration goal by initiating Nature Based Solutions
On the occasion of World Environment Day 2021, Mr. Manish Dabkara (CMD & CEO at EnKing International) officially announced about initiating a new service vertical named Nature Based Solutions, under which organization will be rendering solutions to the project owners or developers of a wide variety of projects in sustainable agriculture land management, afforestation and reforestation and many more.
Manish Dabkara declared this initiative as a mission to contribute towards the goal of United Nations decade for ecosystem restoration. He said, “Climate Change is a vital thing that we must focus upon in current scenarios, our ecosystems are depleting and we are losing many crucial species that are necessary for the ecological balance like olive ridley sea turtles, coral reefs, and on the other hand we are even able to find cases where alien species are invading in niche ecosystems and leading to its complete destruction. All such things are happening due to the excessive artificial heating of the environment which results in a threat to this planet that we are confronting on a every day basis, climate change. EnKing International is an international brand working in the domain of sustainability for more than a decade with a niche in carbon credits generation and supplying where we are offering strategic solutions for Nature Based Projects, Renewable Energy & Energy Efficiency Projects with respect to different Carbon Credit Standards. On this world environment day we officially announce our new service vertical in Nature based Solution and appeal to every individual out there to join the ‘environment restoration mission of EnKing International’ and take a step to turn your actions into more sustainable ones.”
We are aggressively developing our portfolio in to Nature Based Solution like Forest management, Sustainable agriculture land management, blue carbon including mangrove ecosystem, soil carbon sequestration, grassland & livestock management. We are partnering with multiple national and international entities for on-ground execution. EnKing International has already started working on this initiative on a large scale basis.
About EKI – EnKing International is the globally renowned brand working in the realm of “climate change, energy and business excellence” for more than a decade. It has rendered strategic solutions for helping businesses and organizations to achieve their climate ambition. It holds a clientele of 2000+ well-satisfied clients from diversified project range across all the continents. It has multiple national and international recognitions for its exceptional business activities like winner of “Maximum exports” category at AIMP Awards 2021, winner of Environmental Finance Annual Market Rankings 2020 and the list goes on.
Media Connects –
Anjali Singh , Senior Manager- Branding & Comm., M +91 93801 42063 , Email- anjali.singh@enkingint.org , www.enkingint.org