EQ In Exclusive Conversation With Mr. Mukesh Mishra , Sr. Manger – Znshine Solar – EQ Mag Pro
1. What kind of changes do you see in the Industry after the BCD Implementation on Solar Panels?
The BCD Implementation on solar panels from 1 April 2022, in a move that would make imports costlier and encourage local manufacturing. The Indian market for solar components is dominated by Chinese firms now, the BCD will make it imported from China expensive. However, it has not found favor with the solar power project developers (SPPDs), as they are skeptical of the ability of domestic manufacturers to meet the present and future demand. Unless grandfathered around 15Gw of Solar Projects future is in jeopardy. Also increased tariff due to BCD will make solar power unattractive to DISCOMS.
2. How does the Dynamics of Price – Demand – Supply Looks Like for this and the next year?
Reported by PV InfoLink that in the market atmosphere of silicon materials in short supply, the order price under the long contract between large manufacturers may have a slight discount, but it is still difficult to stop the price median value from continuing to rise, the price of loose orders is higher and firmer, and “silicon material is difficult to find”. And the supply and demand situation of silicon material is not alleviated, especially for the new expansion of production capacity in the crystalline link, the price of silicon material in overseas origins continues to have a premium. It is not uncommon for prices to be higher than 280 yuan per kilo.
3. What Kind of Products and New Technologies you are going to launch in this or next year?
ZNShine will launch its new patented 1. BIPV (ZNShine Brick Steel Tile) and 2. Quick Installation System for Rooftop Mounting.
- ZNShine BIPV provides efficient solutions for better accommodate the panels onto the steel rooftop which will prolong the longevity for the steel-made rooftop as well as the panels during its production guaranteed period, and to lower down the installation and maintenance cost and speed up the construction.
- Quick Installation System for Rooftop Mounting provides better solutions for simplifying the complexity in the design and installation. It perfectly fits various rooftop types and reduces the installation cost and labor cost. No screw, no tools and maintenance free.
4. What kind of Pricing and Technology RoadMap do you see coming through in the Industry?
Below chart is the price for the solar grade silicon as of 8 June, 2022.
Below chart is the price for the Mono 210mm module as of 8 June, 2022. (BNEF)
Below chart is the price for the Mono 182mm module as of 8 June, 2022. (BNEF)
Below chart is the price for the Mono 166mm module as of 8 June, 2022. (BNEF)
Below chart is the Residential solar system pricing which you may find the solar cost set to continuingly decreased year by year.
Below chart is the Design considerations for multi-terawatt scale manufacturing of existing and future photovoltaic tech.
5. What’s the total quantity you supplied to India in Last 1 Year and What’s the Expectation from coming one year?
Static shows +800MW ZNShine modules were exported to India in 2021. We’ve been Top 1 Supplier in Indian Market of 2018. We deem India one of the most important markets and we will keep up with the pace to manufacture and export modules to the market to meet our long-term partners’ expectation in our quality products and services.
6. What’s your views on the ALMM / BIS etc…?
It will help consumers to get better quality and reliable supplier, lenders, and investors will have more confidence on their investments as modules are a major and most import component of solar power projects, and domestic manufacturing capacity in India will have some business.
7. What is the Opportunity in India Currently…in Terms of Projects in Tender, Pipeline etc…Opportunities in Manufacturing etc…
MNRE’s BCD Implementation and ALMM/BIS will help domestic manufacturers to grow and intake large-scale governmental projects.
8. How has the Demand from C&I Entities for Solar Projects been
There are strong demand prospects for renewable energy projects in the C&I segment but regulatory risks pose challenges. Even assuming 20 per cent of the energy requirements are to be met by C&I, the RE capacity addition requirement is estimated to remain at about 75GW by 2030.
9. What Kind of Key changes do you see from the PRE COVID to Covid and to kind of Post Covid or Mild Covid Era
The Covid-19 brought disruptions in international trade, including imports of solar modules and solar cells, affecting solar capacity additions. To kind of Post Covid or Mild Covid Era, many countries considering their huge solar targets and the electricity is a strategic sector of the economy, they need to develop domestic solar manufacturing capacities and reduce their dependence on imports to avoid disruption and to develop sustainability to meet the Paris Agreement.
10. What kind of growth do you see coming in the Residential Sector Demand? Just like its
Global peers Indian Residential Solar PV Systems market size is estimated to grow at CAGR of almost 8% – 12%, However growth will be dampen temporarily in the year 2022 due to impact of BCD implementation. The YOY growth rate for 2022 is estimated at 4.54% by the end of 2027.