In a webinar conducted by EQ Magazine, Mr Goutam Samanta – Head PV Technology-Juniper Green Energy (Moderator), LONGi discussed the transitional change between mono-facial and bi-facial solar modules within the growing era.
The webinar was conducted by EQ International Magazine on the topic “Era Towards Bi-Facial Solar Modules,” sponsored by LONGi Solar, moderated by Goutam Samanta, Head PV Technology, Juniper Green Energy Pvt Ltd. In this webinar, the transitional changes between mono-facial and bi-facial solar modules were discussed. LONGi Solar is the world’s largest monocrystalline cell and module manufacturer.
Along with this they also talked about how there are not only advantages but also challenges thereto the bi-facial solar panels. It also discussed the opportunities that may emerge from both the front and also the rare side of the panels.
• The extra care needs to be taken whether it’s in terms of size, quality, place. Even during your site selection, a high-quality process within the factory, and lastly even during the windup. This is one of the reasons why bi-facial panels are more complicated than mono-facial ones.
• It is very typical to receive the Albedo value, approximately 20-30% at a broad spectrum or extra energy reckoning on the energy you looking at on the financial tracker.
• Bifacial modules can’t be cleaned with water, there must be installed with robotic cleaners, but the service isn’t very easily available. Cleaning has been a challenge.
• Bi-facial modules more cost associated than mono-facial ones. It’s so because bi-facial technology is new and other people are newly getting responsive to it.
• Bi-facial module with frame decreases the module breakage rate during the transaction and installation.
• Low degradation characteristics are often verified.
• Because of their heavyweight, it becomes difficult for them to put in. However, hiring a correct solar installation team can help.
• Anecdotal gain is missing whether in mono or a bi-facial panel which is incredibly important information, as this might be misleading information. Thus, it’s important to approach the rate racing approach.
• For full utilization of solar panels, they require installation on a surface that reflects the daylight.
These panels are easy for transport and installation and can be easily electrically grounded. They have a higher loading performance.
• Bifacial solar panels produce solar power from each side (faces). Rather than covering the back-side of normal PV panels, it’s made transparent so that both the faces can generate electricity.
• As compared to traditional mono-facial PV panels, bi-Facial panels are 11% to 12% more efficient. The high efficiency of modules includes the utilization of monocrystalline solar cells and its bifacial nature that leads to the production of more energy with the least available resources.
• Both the faces are generating electricity so less panels are required to produce a certain amount of energy. Thus, fewer panels need lesser space.
• Compared to the mono-facial panels, bifacial ones are more durable & can provide a stronger shield in case of hail storms or any other weather conditions because the tempered glass utilized in their manufacturing is sort of strong & protects them from either side.
• The role of the GCR or the pitch that you choose also plays a very important role. With the rise in the pitch, the gain also increases.