ERI Co-Founder Kevin Dillon Joins Central Valley Leaders in Support of Clean Energy Initiative
Earlier this morning, Kevin Dillon, Co-Founder, Chief Marketing Officer and Chief Sales Officer of ERI, the nation’s leading recycler of electronic waste and the world’s largest cybersecurity-focused hardware destruction company, joined a gathering of Central Valley Leaders in support of a groundbreaking clean energy initiative for the State of California. The gathering and press event featured speakers including Dillon; the Honorable Ray Leon, Mayor of Huron; Dan Jacobson, State Director, Environment California; Jim Grant, Director of Social Justice Ministry for the Diocese of Fresno; and Gwyn Harshaw, President of SEIU Local 521; among others, including public health experts to voice their support in favor of Senate Bill 100. Referred to as the “100% Clean Energy” bill, Senate Bill 100 (De León), is moving in the state capitol. If passed, the bill would ensure that California generates 100% of its electricity from renewable and carbon-free sources by 2045. Local business leaders, community leadership and elected officials are energized about achieving a 100% clean energy future, and calling on the legislature to pass SB 100.
According to the American Lung Association in California, more than 90% of Californians live in areas with unhealthy air at some point during the year — including Fresno, which scored an “F” grade according to the 2017 “State of the Air” report. Scientists agree that we must stop burning virtually all fossil fuels by mid-century in order to spare children growing up today from the impacts of climate change. “As a large Fresno area employer and a green organization, ERI wholeheartedly supports California’s commitment to accelerate the development, deployment and investment in clean energy,” said Dillon. “This is an important initiative that will create jobs and economic opportunities, and we are 100% behind it! We support our home state of California becoming greener and leading the way in clean energy.”
“Moving to 100% clean energy will create healthier communities today and a more livable future for our children,” added Jacobson.
ERI, the nation’s leading recycler of electronic waste and the world’s largest cybersecurity-focused hardware destruction company, is certified to de-manufacture and recycle every type of electronic waste in an environmentally responsible manner. ERI processes more than 275 million pounds of electronic waste annually at eight locations, serving every zip code in the United States.