European PV InstallerMonitor 2015/2016: Three quarters of PV installers in Germany offer energy storage systems
PV installers in Germany offer energy storage solutions to their customers more often as compared to last year. This is one of the results from a current study by market researcher EuPD Research.For the eight year running EuPD Research is compiling the annually published study „European PV InstallerMonitor“. The study offers comprehensive insights into important photovoltaic markets. For this purpose, installers of PV systems are surveyed about several relevant topics.
The “European PV InstallerMonitor 2015/2016” shows that PV installers in Germany carry energy storage systems more often in their portfolio in comparison to last year. Around three quarters of all surveyed installers offer energy storage solutions to their customers, which corresponds to an increase of six percentage points to the previous year.When PV systems are equipped with energy storage solutions, in 83% this refers to new installs and not to retro-fitting existing PV systems with energy storage.
Further topics of the study include the brand portfolio, recommendation levels of and the satisfaction with PV module, inverter and energy storage manufacturers. Furthermore, the procurement management of the surveyed installers is a subject. A part of this analysis focuses on whether installers prefer to purchase directly from the manufacturer or indirectly via wholesaler.The focus countries of the study are the European core markets Germany, the UK, Italy, France, the Netherlands, Austria and Switzerland. Furthermore, for the first time, the photovoltaic market in Australia, a country with a high potential for solar energy, is included in the survey.