Extension in bid submisison deadline for 650 MW solar PV projects in Kadapa Solar Park
With respect to the RfS Documents for 500 MW (Part-B) and 150 MW (Part-A) Documents for Grid Connected Solar PV Power Projects Under NSM Phase-II Batch-IV in Kadapa Solar Park, Andhra Pradesh vide RfS no.SECI/NSM/P-2/B-4/AP/062016/B and SECI/NSM/P-2/B-4/AP/072016/A respectively, the last date of bid submission of the tender has been extended upto 15th September 2016.
Tender Search Codes (TSC) for the RfS (Part-B): SECI-2016-TN000034
Tender Search Codes (TSC) for the RfS (Part-A): SECI-2016-TN000035
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