Extension of Bid Submission deadline: Selection of 150MW Solar PV Project in Charanka Solar Park
Extension of Bid Submission deadline for Selection of 150MW Solar PV Projects in Gujarat Solar Park at Charanka
This has reference to the RfS Documents No. (SECI/NSM/P-2/B-4/RfS/GJ/092016) for selection of 150 MW (3 projects) Grid connected Solar PV Projects in Gujarat Solar Park, Charanka under NSM PHASE-II BATCH-IV.
The last date of bid submission is hereby Extended till 18.11.2016 (18:00 Hrs). All Prospective Bidders are requested to stay updated from TCIL website (www.tcil-india-electronictender.com) for more details.
Tender Search Codes (TSC): SECI-2016-TN000045, SECI-2016-TN000046, SECI-2016-TN000047