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GET FiT Zambia

GET FiT Zambia


The GET FiT Zambia program includes a comprehensive package of measures to enable private investment in grid renewable energy in Zambia. It supports the Zambian government in implementing a Renewable Energy Feed-in Tariff (REFiT) strategy. The program promotes inter alia the following measures: 1) a feed-in tariff (financial incentives for first market participants), 2) the development of standardized contract documents, 3) the simplification of application and licensing procedures, 4) transparent procurement processes, 5) risk mitigation measures , 6) support in network integration.

The aim of the project is to improve the framework conditions for private investment in renewable energies in Zambia. To this end, a 150 MW portfolio of small, privately financed, grid-connected power plants (up to 20 MW) from renewable energies (RE) is to be supported. Phase I includes two rounds of calls for tender: 1. 50 MW of solar PV (presumably 2-3 power plants) and 2.) Another 50 MW, if any, for other renewable technologies (small hydropower, biomass, wind). In Phase II, a further 50 MW of generation capacity will be promoted. The program supports the development of a functioning, private power generation market and contributes to the diversification of the Zambian power generation technology mix.

The total cost of the project for 150 MW is EUR 81.5 million. Funding will be provided from FC funds of EUR 31 million and EUR 24 million raised by other donors (Phase I total EUR 55 million). In addition, a stock check of over EUR 25 million is included.

Country / Region / Institution Zambia
number 33746
main emphasis energy
sector 23210 – Production mixed / mixed. RE-Technol.
financial instrument Subsidy / loan from budget
Other donors
German financing contribution EUR 31.0 million
status active
customer BMZ
Responsible department Southern Africa and regional funds
Source: kfw-entwicklungsbank.de
Anand Gupta Editor - EQ Int'l Media Network


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