Global investors acting on climate change
The Investor Group on Climate Change has joined global investor groups in releasing a new snapshot of the actions investors have taken since the Paris Agreement was finalised. Investors Got the Signal: Actions in 2016 since the Paris Agreement highlights practical examples of the steps investors have taken in 2016 to engage with companies on carbon-reducing strategies, deploy capital to low carbon assets, decarbonise investment portfolios and engage with policymakers. “The Paris Agreement sent a huge market signal to investors that carbon risk is a financial risk and a major opportunity for low carbon growth. Around the world investors are responding, embedding carbon into risk processes and scaling up investment in low carbon assets”, said Emma Herd, Chief Executive of the Investor Group on Climate Change (IGCC).
“The election of Donald Trump as US President is concerning for investors and the uncertainty it brings to international collaboration on climate change. We cannot afford to let short term political shocks undermine our resolve to implement hard fought policy frameworks built on decades of work”. “Australian investors are acting to manage climate change, in line with momentum in global markets. It is important we remain in step with our major trading partners as they move to decarbonise their economies and meet the agreed goals of the Paris Agreement. Investors support Australian ratification of the Paris Agreement”. “Just days after the Paris Agreement officially entered into force, global investors are again demonstrating strong support for climate action through their investment decisions and by taking an active role at COP22”.
The investor snapshot highlights actions taken by investors who are members of the four major investor groups, including IGCC, who work collaboratively as the Global Investor Coalition on Climate Change. On Friday, November 11, the Investor Group on Climate Change (IGCC) will join a collaboration of global investor groups in hosting an official COP22 side event Beyond Paris: Investor actions to manage climate risk and seize low carbon opportunities.
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