Below are the ratings awarded by Investment Information Credit Rating Agency Ltd. (ICRA) for local debt instruments as of October 7, 2020. COMPANY INSTRUMENT RATING AMOUNT MOVEMENT (RS.MLN) ------ ---------- ------ ----- --------- SHORT TERM RATINGS: ------------------- Apollo Micro Systems Ltd Non-fund ICRA A3 300 Withdrawn based-Working Capital Fac –LC Asbesco (India) Pvt Ltd Non-FB limits ICRA A4+ 662.5 Reaffirmed Baba Ispat (P) Ltd. Non Fund Based – BG ICRA A4+ 15.5 Reaffirmed Bharat Timber & Construction Co. ST-Fund Based ICRA A4+ 140 Rating downgraded from ICRA A3 and continues to be in ‘Issuer Not Cooperating’ category Bhawar Lifestyle ST –Fund Based ICRA A4 100 Channel Financing Rating moved to ‘Issuer Not Cooperating’ category Bhawar Lifestyle ST –Non-Fund Based BG ICRA A4 200 Rating moved to ‘Issuer Not Cooperating’ category C. J. Jewelleries Pvt. Ltd. PSC/EBRD ICRA A4 50 Reaffirmed C. J. Jewelleries Pvt. Ltd. Direct^ ICRA A4 Reaffirmed ^Sublimit of PSC/EBRD C. J. Jewelleries Pvt. Ltd. PC/PCFC^ ICRA A4 Reaffirmed ^Sublimit of PSC/EBRD C. J. Jewelleries Pvt. Ltd. PCFC (DDA /Collection ICRA A4 Reaffirmed bill backed)^ ^Sublimit of PSC/EBRD C. J. Jewelleries Pvt. Ltd. Associate Bills^ ICRA A4 Reaffirmed ^Sublimit of PSC/EBRD C. J. Jewelleries Pvt. Ltd. Unallocated ICRA A4 23 Reaffirmed Federal Engineers ST Non-FBL ICRA A2 110 Reaffirmed Hydropack (India) Pvt Ltd Non-fund Based –BG ICRA A4 25 Downgraded from ICRA A4+ Industrial Chemical Works FB Packing Credit ICRA A4+ 30 Reaffirmed Industrial Chemical Works Non-fund based ICRA A4+ 20 Reaffirmed Inland/Import LC cum Buyer’s Credit Kvr Projects Pvt Ltd ST-Non-Fund Based ICRA A4 150 Moved to the ‘Issuer Not Cooperating’ category Maheshwari Mining Pvt Ltd Non-Fund based – BG ICRA A3+ 460 Reaffirmed Maheshwari Mining Pvt Ltd Non-Fund based – LOC1 ICRA A3+ Reaffirmed 1Sublimit of Cash Credit/ Bank Guarantee Metal Ore Non-FB - LOC ICRA A4 500 Reaffirmed P. N. Gadgil & Sons Ltd ST FB/Non-fund Based ICRA A1 Reaffirmed – Interchangeable# #Interchangeable with CC limits Realtime Techsolutions Pvt. Ltd. ST – LOC ICRA D 30 Downgraded from ICRA A4 Realtime Techsolutions Pvt. Ltd. ST – BG ICRA D 160 Downgraded from ICRA A4 Rossell India Ltd Non-Fund based – BG / ICRA A2+ 40 LOC Upgraded from ICRA A2 S.V.S Classic Foods ST- Fund Based ICRA A4 13.5 Rating continues to remain under Issuer Not Cooperating’ category S.V.S Classic Foods ST- Non Fund Based ICRA A4 1 Rating continues to remain under Issuer Not Cooperating’ category Shree Shyam Designs Pvt. Ltd. ST – Interchangeable ICRA A4 Downgraded from ICRA A4+ and moved to ‘Issuer Not Cooperating’ category Shreeram And Sons ST – Fund Based ICRA A4 150 Downgraded from ICRA A4+ and continues to be ‘Issuer Not Cooperating’ category Shreeram And Sons ST - Non-Fund Based ICRA A4 10 Downgraded from ICRA A4+and continues to be ‘Issuer Not Cooperating’ category Shri Bhagwati Flour Mills Pvt Ltd Non-fund Based LOC^ ICRA A3 Reaffirmed ^sublimit of Cash Credit Shri Bhagwati Flour Mills Pvt Ltd Non-fund Based - LOU ICRA A3 Reaffirmed for Buyers Credit^ ^sublimit of Cash Credit Shri Bhagwati Flour Mills Pvt Ltd Non-fund Based - BG^ ICRA A3 Reaffirmed ^sublimit of Cash Credit Shri Bhagwati Flour Mills Pvt Ltd Non-fund Based - LER^ ICRA A3 Reaffirmed ^sublimit of Cash Credit Sudhakar Plastic Pvt. Ltd. ST - Non-Fund Based ICRA A4+ 155 Downgraded from ICRA A3+ and moved to ‘Issuer Not Cooperating’ category Tirupathi Yarntex Spinners Pvt Ltd ST– Interchangeable ICRA A4 FB – ST Rating Continues to remain under Issuer Not Cooperating’ category Vinit Gloves Manufacturing Pvt Ltd FB – Packing Credit/ ICRA A3 160 Pre- Shipment Credit in Foreign Currency Reaffirmed and removed from watch with negative implications Vinit Gloves Manufacturing Pvt Ltd FB – Post Shipment ICRA A3 20 Limit Reaffirmed and removed from watch with negative implications Vinit Gloves Manufacturing Pvt Ltd Non-fund based – LOC ICRA A3 7.5 (Inland/Import) Reaffirmed and removed from watch with negative implications Vinit Gloves Manufacturing Pvt Ltd Non-fund Based –Loan ICRA A3 110 Equivalent Factor for Forward Covers Reaffirmed and removed from watch with negative implications MEDIUM TERM RATINGS: ------------------- P. N. Gadgil & Sons Ltd Fixed Deposits MA+(Stable) 400 Reaffirmed Programme LONG TERM RATINGS: ------------------- Alapatt Jewels LT– Fund Based- CC ICRA B 55 (Stable) Rating Continues to remain under Issuer Not Cooperating’ category Apollo Micro Systems Ltd Fund based-TL ICRA BBB- 20 Withdrawn (Negative) Apollo Micro Systems Ltd Fund based- Working ICRA BBB- 925 Withdrawn Capital Fac (Negative) Apollo Micro Systems Ltd Non-fund ICRA BBB- 175 Withdrawn based-Working Capital (Negative) Fac –BG Asbesco (India) Pvt Ltd FB limits – CC ICRA BB+ 305 Reaffirmed (Stable) Asbesco (India) Pvt Ltd FB limits – Bill ICRA BB+ Reaffirmed Discounting Fac# (Stable) #Sub-limit of the cash credit limit Asbesco (India) Pvt Ltd FB limits – Packing ICRA BB+ Reaffirmed Credit# (Stable) #Sub-limit of the cash credit limit Asbesco (India) Pvt Ltd Unallocated limits ICRA BB+ 302.5 Reaffirmed (Stable) / ICRA A4+ Baba Ispat (P) Ltd. Fund based – CC ICRA BB+ 110 Reaffirmed (Stable) Baba Ispat (P) Ltd. Untied limits ICRA BB+ 24.5 Reaffirmed (Stable)/ ICRA A4+ Bharat Timber & Construction Co. LT-TL ICRA BB+ 30 (Stable) Downgraded from ICRA BBB- (Stable) and continues to be in ‘Issuer Not Cooperating’ category Bhawar Lifestyle LT –Fund Based CC ICRA B+ 90 (Stable) Downgraded from ICRA BB (Stable) and moved to ‘Issuer Not Cooperating’ category Bhawar Lifestyle LT/ST- Unallocated ICRA 110 limits B+(Stable)/ A4 Rating downgraded from ICRA BB(Stable)/A4 and moved to ‘Issuer Not Cooperating’ category Dolphin Foods India Ltd LT-Fund Based-CC ICRA BBB 50 Withdrawn (Stable) Dolphin Foods India Ltd LT - Fund Based - TL ICRA BBB 250 Withdrawn (Stable) Federal Engineers LT/ST Fundbased LimitsICRA 100 Reaffirmed BBB(Stable)/ ICRA A2 Gokul Cotton Industries CC ICRA 90 B+(Stable) Rating moved to ‘Issuer Not Cooperating category’ Gokul Cotton Industries Unallocated Limits ICRA 110 B+(Stable) Rating moved to ‘Issuer Not Cooperating category’ Gramaudyogik Shikshan Mandal FBL ICRA BBB+ 496.6 Reaffirmed (Stable) Hydropack (India) Pvt Ltd Fund Based – CC ICRA BB- 25 (Stable) Downgraded from ICRA BB (Stable) Industrial Chemical Works FB CC ICRA 20 Reaffirmed BB+(Stable) Kvr Projects Pvt Ltd LT-Fund Based/ CC ICRA 50 B+(Stable) Downgraded from ICRA BB-(Negative) and Moved to the ‘Issuer Not Cooperating’ category. The outlook revised to Stable from Negative. Kvr Projects Pvt Ltd LT/STUnallocated ICRA 210 B+(Stable)/ ICRA A4 Long term Rating downgraded from ICRA BB-(Negative) and Moved to the ‘Issuer Not Cooperating’ category. The outlook revised to Stable from Negative Lea Associates South Asia Pvt Ltd LT – FB Overdraft ICRA A+ 300 Reaffirmed (Stable) Lea Associates South Asia Pvt Ltd LT - Interchangeable ICRA A+ Reaffirmed (Stable) Lea Associates South Asia Pvt Ltd LT/ST – Non-fund BasedICRA A+ 1700 Reaffirmed (Stable)/ ICRA A1 M R Steel Corporation LT/STUnallocated ICRA 80 B+(Stable)/ ICRA A4 Long term Rating downgraded from ICRA BB-(Stable) and Short term rating Moved to the ‘Issuer Not Cooperating’ category Magnum Export FB Limits – Packing ICRA BB+ 730 Assigned Credit (Stable)/ ICRA A4+ Magnum Export FB Limits – Bills ICRA BB+ 195 Assigned Discounting (Stable)/ ICRA A4+ Maheshwari Mining Pvt Ltd Fund based – CC ICRA BBB 320 Reaffirmed (Stable) Maheshwari Mining Pvt Ltd Fund based – Working ICRA BBB Reaffirmed Capital Demand Loan1 (Stable) 1Sublimit of Cash Credit/ Bank Guarantee Maheshwari Mining Pvt Ltd Fund Based – Foreign ICRA BBB Reaffirmed Currency Demand Loan1 (Stable) 1Sublimit of Cash Credit/ Bank Guarantee Maheshwari Mining Pvt Ltd Unallocated Limits ICRA BBB 470 Reaffirmed (Stable)/ ICRA A3+ Manickbag Automobiles Pvt Ltd LT- Fund Based – CC ICRA B+ 100 (Stable) Downgraded from ICRA BB (Stable) Issuer Not Cooperating and continues to remain under Issuer Not Cooperating’ category Metal Ore FB Interchangeable - ICRA BB- Reaffirmed Cash -Credit** outlook revised to Negative from Stable; **Cash credit is sublimit of letter of credit facility Mohan Mutha Polytech Pvt Ltd LT- Fund Based- CC ICRA BB+ 60 (CE) (Stable) Issuer Not Cooperating; Withdrawn Mohan Mutha Polytech Pvt Ltd LT- Fund Based- TL ICRA BB+ 180 (CE) (Stable) Issuer Not Cooperating; Withdrawn Mytrah Vayu (Godavari) Pvt Ltd FB TL ICRA BB+ 6236.1 Reaffirmed (Negative) Mytrah Vayu (Godavari) Pvt Ltd FB- Overdraft ICRA BB+ 800 Reaffirmed (Negative) Mytrah Vayu (Godavari) Pvt Ltd Unallocated ICRA BB+ 283.9 Reaffirmed (Negative) Mytrah Vayu (Sabarmati) Pvt Ltd FB - TL ICRA BB+ 14520 Reaffirmed (Negative) Neosym Industry Ltd Non-fund Based – ICRA BBB 240 Working Capital Fac (Negative)/ ICRA A3+ revised from ICRA BBB+(Negative)/ ICRA A2 Neosym Industry Ltd Fund Based – TL ICRA 538.9 BBB(Negative) revised from ICRA BBB+(Negative) Neosym Industry Ltd Fund Based – Working ICRA 700 Capital Fac BBB(Negative) revised from ICRA BBB+(Negative) Neosym Industry Ltd LT unallocated ICRA 71.1 BBB(Negative) revised from ICRA BBB+(Negative) P. N. Gadgil & Sons Ltd Fund Based – Working ICRA 3350 Reaffirmed Capital Fac A(Stable) Raghu Rama Rice Industry Fund based – CC ICRA 120 Reaffirmed B+(Stable) Raghu Rama Rice Industry Fund based – TL ICRA 10 Reaffirmed B+(Stable) Raghu Rama Rice Industry Unallocated limits ICRA 30 Reaffirmed B+(Stable) Realtime Techsolutions Pvt. Ltd. LT – CC ICRA D 60 Downgraded from ICRA B- (Stable) Rossell India Ltd Fund Based – TL ICRA A- 534.3 (Stable) Upgraded from ICRA BBB+ (Stable) Rossell India Ltd Fund Based – Working ICRA A- 1725 Capital Limits (Stable) Upgraded from ICRA BBB+ (Stable) Rossell India Ltd Untied Limits ICRA A- 8.6 (Stable)/ ICRA A2+ Upgraded from ICRA BBB+ (Stable) / ICRA A2 S.V.S Classic Foods LT- Fund Based – CC ICRA B+ 90 (Stable) Downgraded from ICRA BB- (Stable) Issuer Not Cooperating and continues to remain under Issuer Not Cooperating’ category S.V.S Classic Foods LT- Interchangeable ICRA B+ (Stable) Downgraded from ICRA BB- (Stable) Issuer Not Cooperating and continues to remain under Issuer Not Cooperating’ category S.V.S Classic Foods LT- Unallocated ICRA B+ 1 (Stable) Downgraded from ICRA BB- (Stable) Issuer Not Cooperating and continues to remain under Issuer Not Cooperating’ category Saanvi Clothing Pvt Ltd LT - Fund Based/ CC ICRA B 80 (Stable) Rating Moved to the ‘Issuer Not Cooperating’ category Saanvi Clothing Pvt Ltd LT - Fund Based TL ICRA B 18.8 (Stable) Rating Moved to the ‘Issuer Not Cooperating’ category Saanvi Clothing Pvt Ltd LT / ST - Unallocated ICRA B 1.2 (Stable)/ A4 Rating Moved to the ‘Issuer Not Cooperating’ category Saratha Electro Plater LT– Fund Based- CC ICRA B 15 (Stable) Rating Continues to remain under Issuer Not Cooperating’ category Saratha Electro Plater LT- Fund Based- TL ICRA B 48 (Stable) Rating Continues to remain under Issuer Not Cooperating’ category Saratha Electro Plater LT/ ST- Unallocated ICRA B 37 (Stable) / A4 Rating Continues to remain under Issuer Not Cooperating’ category Sbc Minerals Pvt Ltd LT – Fund Based – CC ICRA B+ 250 (Stable) Rating downgraded from ICRA BB- (Stable) and continues to remain in the ‘Issuer Not Cooperating’ category Shorapur Solar Power Ltd LT - TL ICRA 362.5 Reaffirmed BB+(Stable) Shorapur Solar Power Ltd LT – Unallocated ICRA 87.5 Reaffirmed limits BB+(Stable) Shree Shyam Designs Pvt. Ltd. LT –Fund Based ICRA B+ 100 Rating (Stable) Downgraded from ICRA BB (Stable) and moved to ‘Issuer Not Cooperating’ category Shree Shyam Designs Pvt. Ltd. LT/ST- Unallocated ICRA 150 limits B+(Stable) / A4 Downgraded from ICRA BB(Stable)/A4+ and moved to ‘Issuer Not Cooperating’ category Shreeram And Sons LT - Fund Based ICRA B+ (Stable) Downgraded from ICRA BB (Stable) and continues to be ‘Issuer Not Cooperating’ category Shri Bhagwati Flour Mills Pvt Ltd FB CC ICRA 890 Reaffirmed BBB-(Stable) Sri Ramcharan Energy & Infra Pvt. Ltd. FB - TL ICRA BBB- 361.1 (Stable) Upgraded from ICRA BB (Stable) Sri Ramcharan Energy & Infra Pvt. Ltd. FB - Unallocated ICRA BBB- 88.9 (Stable) Upgraded from ICRA BB (Stable) Sudhakar Plastic Pvt. Ltd. LT - Fund Based/ CC ICRA 80 BB+(Stable) Downgraded from ICRA BBB (Stable) and moved to ‘Issuer Not Cooperating’ category Sudhakar Plastic Pvt. Ltd. LT - Fund Based TL ICRA 26.2 BB+(Stable) Downgraded from ICRA BBB (Stable) and moved to ‘Issuer Not Cooperating’ category Sudhakar Plastic Pvt. Ltd. LT - Unallocated ICRA 15.8 BB+(Stable) Downgraded from ICRA BBB (Stable) and moved to ‘Issuer Not Cooperating’ category Suvidha Realtors And Constructions Pvt LT – FB TL ICRA BB-& 155 Ltd placed under watch with developing implications The Mahatma Gandhi Sahakara Sakkare LT- Fund Based/CC ICRA C+ 150 Karkhane continues to be in ‘Issuer Not Cooperating’ category The Mahatma Gandhi Sahakara Sakkare LT - Unallocated ICRA C+ 200 Karkhane continues to be in ‘Issuer Not Cooperating’ category Tirupathi Yarntex Spinners Pvt Ltd LT– Fund Based- CC ICRA B- 145 (Stable) Rating Continues to remain under Issuer Not Cooperating’ category Tirupathi Yarntex Spinners Pvt Ltd LT– Fund Based- TL ICRA B- 29 (Stable) Rating Continues to remain under Issuer Not Cooperating’ category Tirupathi Yarntex Spinners Pvt Ltd LT– Non Fund Based ICRA B- 6 (Stable) Rating Continues to remain under Issuer Not Cooperating’ category Tirupati Cotton-Dwarka FB – CC ICRA 45 B(Stable) Rating moved to ‘Issuer Not Cooperating category’ Tirupati Cotton-Dwarka FB – TL ICRA 15 B(Stable) Rating moved to ‘Issuer Not Cooperating category’ Vijeta Projects & Infrastructures Ltd. Fund Based - Working ICRA D 800 Capital Fac Downgraded from ICRA B-(Stable) and continues in ‘Issuer Not Cooperating category’ Vijeta Projects & Infrastructures Ltd. Non-fund Based - ICRA D 1945 Working Capital Fac Rating downgraded from ICRA A4 and continues in ‘Issuer Not Cooperating category’ Vinit Gloves Manufacturing Pvt Ltd FB – CC# ICRA BBB- (Stable) Reaffirmed and removed from watch with negative implications stable , outlook; # Sub-limit of packing credit Vinit Gloves Manufacturing Pvt Ltd Non-fund Based – BG^ ICRA BBB- (Stable) Reaffirmed and removed from watch with negative implications stable , outlook; ^ Sub-limit of the letter of credit Vinit Gloves Manufacturing Pvt Ltd FB – TL ICRA 39 BBB-(Stable) Reaffirmed and removed from watch with negative implications stable , outlook -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $: Rating watch with positive implication #: Rating Watch with Developing implications @: Rating Watch with Negative Implications %: Rating under Credit Watch wd -Rating Stands Withdrawn sp -Rating Suspended pp -Principal Protected pn -Principal Not Protected ICRA may apply + or - signs for ratings to reflect a comparative standing within the category. BG-Bank Guarantee; CC-Cash Credit; CCPS-Cumulative Convertible Preference Share; CD-Certificate of Deposit; CLO-Collateralized Loan Obligation; CPA-Claims Paying Ability; CP-Commercial Paper; CPS-convertible preference shares; CRPS- Cumulative Redeemable Convertible Preference shares; DDB-Deep Discount Bond; EPBI-Exchange premium bond; FBL-Fund Based Limits; FRB/FRN -Floating Rate Bond/Note; ICD -Inter Corporate Deposit; ITD-Immediate Term Debt; LOC-Letter of Credit; LT -Long Term; LTB -Long Term Borrowing; LTD -Long Term Debt; MOCD-multiple option convertible debenture; MTD -Medium term Debenture; MTN-medium term notes; NCD(SO) - Non-Convertible Debenture-(Structured Obligation); NCD-Non-convertible Debentures; NCRB-Non Convertible Redeemable Bonds; NM-Not Meaningful; OCD-optionally convertible debenture; OD-Over Draft; OFCD-Optionally Fully Convertible Debenture; PCD-Partially Convertible Debenture; PCN-partly convertible notes; PCPS-Partly Convertible Preference Share; POCD-partly optional; PP-privately placed; PSPC-Post Shipment & Packing Credit; PS-Preference Shares; PTC-Pass Through Certificates; RPS-Redeemable Preference Shares; SCPN-secured convertible preference notes; SDO-Structured Debt Obligation; SLR-Statutory Liquidity Ratio; SO-Structured Obligation; SPCD - Secured Partly Convertible Debentures; SPN-secured premium notes; STB-Short Term Bond; STD-Short Term Debentures; ST-Short Term; Sub. Bonds-Subordinate Bonds; TB-Taxable Bond; TFB-Tax Free Bond; TL-Term Loan; TOCD-triple option convertible debentures. (Mumbai Rate Reporting Unit + 91 22 6180 7222 / 3317 7222 , E-mail at rru.data@refinitiv.com)