Below are the ratings awarded by Investment Information Credit Rating Agency Ltd. (ICRA) for local debt instruments as of September 24, 2020. COMPANY INSTRUMENT RATING AMOUNT MOVEMENT (RS.MLN) ------ ---------- ------ ----- --------- SHORT TERM RATINGS: ------------------- Bhadra International (India) ST - Non-fund Based ICRA D 780 - Pvt Ltd (Reason for delay in carrying out periodic review: Review process is underway) Emudhra Ltd ST - Non-Fund Based ICRA A3+ 20 Reaffirmed Etesian Urja Ltd ST FB ICRA A1@ 100 - (Revised to ICRA A1@ from ICRA A1+ placed on rating watch with negative implications. @ on watch with negative implications) Goodluck India Ltd Non-fund Based - ICRA A3+ 900 Withdrawn Working Capital Fac Hdfc Asset Management Co. Ltd HDFC Liquid Fund ICRA A1+mfs - Outstanding Hdfc Asset Management Co. Ltd HDFC Money Market Fund ICRA A1+mfs - Outstanding Hdfc Asset Management Co. Ltd HDFC Overnight Fund ICRA A1+mfs - Outstanding Hdfc Asset Management Co. Ltd HDFC Ultra ST Fund ICRA A1+mfs - Outstanding Infina Finance Pvt Ltd CP Programme (IPO ICRA A1+ 100000 Assigned financing) Infina Finance Pvt Ltd CP Programme ICRA A1+ 12000 Outstanding Kaze Energy Ltd ST FB ICRA A2+@ 700 - (@ on watch with negative implications) Kellton Tech Solutions Ltd ST Non-FB Fac ICRA A3 200 Withdrawn (ISSUER NOT COOPERATING) Khandke Wind Energy Pvt Ltd ST FB ICRA A1@ 140 - (Revised to ICRA A1@ from ICRA A1+ placed on rating watch with negative implications. @ on watch with negative implications) Lalpur Wind Energy Pvt Ltd ST FB ICRA A1@ 1390 - (Revised to ICRA A1@ from ICRA A1+ placed on rating watch with negative implications) Ratedi Wind Power Pvt Ltd ST FB ICRA A1@ 210 - (Revised to ICRA A1@ from ICRA A1+ placed on rating watch with negative implications. @ on watch with negative implications) Shekar Logistics Pvt Ltd ST: Non fund Based-BG ICRA D 30 - (Reason for delay in carrying out periodic review: Issuer delayed in giving information) State Bank Of India CDs ICRA A1+ - - (Reaffirmed and withdrawn) Tadas Wind Energy Pvt Ltd ST FB ICRA A2+@ 1048 - (Revised to ICRA A2+@ from ICRA A1+ placed on rating watch with negative implications. @ on watch with negative implications) Thangamayil Jewellery Ltd ST (Interchangeable) ICRA A2 - Outstanding Uti Asset Management Co. Ltd UTI Money Market Fund ICRA A1+mfs - Outstanding Uti Asset Management Co. Ltd UTI Liquid Cash Plan ICRA A1+mfs - Outstanding Uti Asset Management Co. Ltd UTI Overnight Fund ICRA A1+mfs - Outstanding Wind Urja India Pvt Ltd ST FB ICRA A1@ 280 - (Revised to ICRA A1@ from ICRA A1+ placed on rating watch with negative implications. @ on watch with negative implications) MEDIUM TERM RATINGS: ------------------- Thangamayil Jewellery Ltd Medium-term – Fixed MA-(Stable) 770 - Deposit (outstanding on existing limits and assigned on enhanced limits) LONG TERM RATINGS: ------------------- Bhadra International (India) FB - TL ICRA D 3045.3 - Pvt Ltd (Reason for delay in carrying out periodic review: Review process is underway) Bhadra International (India) LT - Fund Based/ CC ICRA D 300 - Pvt Ltd (Reason for delay in carrying out periodic review: Review process is underway) Bhansali Diamonds Bk Loans ICRA 165 - BB-(Stable) /ICRA A4 (Reason for delay in carrying out periodic review: Review process is underway) Emudhra Ltd LT - Fund Based - CC ICRA BBB 80 Reaffirmed (Stable) Emudhra Ltd LT - Fund Based - TL ICRA BBB 250 Reaffirmed (Stable) Etesian Urja Ltd FB TL ICRA A+@ 4010 - (Revised to ICRA A+@ from ICRA AA- (Stable) placed on rating watch with negative implications. @ on watch with negative implications) Goodluck India Ltd FB - TL ICRA BBB 863.6 Withdrawn (Negative) Goodluck India Ltd FB - Working Capital ICRA BBB 2466.2 Withdrawn Fac (Negative) Hdfc Asset Management Co. Ltd HDFC ST Debt Fund ICRA AA+mfs - Outstanding Hdfc Asset Management Co. Ltd HDFC Low Duration Fund ICRA AAAmfs - Outstanding Hdfc Asset Management Co. Ltd HDFC Corporate Bond ICRA AAAmfs - Outstanding Fund Hdfc Asset Management Co. Ltd HDFC Floating Rate ICRA - - Debt Fund AAAmfs/ ICRA A1+mfs (outstanding / withdrawn) Hdfc Asset Management Co. Ltd HDFC Bking and PSU ICRA AA-mfs - Outstanding Debt Fund Il&Fs Solar Power Ltd Non Convertible ICRA B+ 3600 - Debentures (Negative) (Reason for delay in carrying out periodic review: - Issuer not co-operating) Il&Fs Solar Power Ltd TL ICRA B+ 450 - (Negative) (Reason for delay in carrying out periodic review: - Issuer not co-operating) Kaze Energy Ltd FB TL ICRA A-@ 2873.4 - (@ on watch with negative implications) Kellton Tech Solutions Ltd FB - Working Capital ICRA BBB- 200 Withdrawn Fac (ISSUER NOT COOPERATING) Kellton Tech Solutions Ltd LT/ST Non-FB Fac ICRA 282.1 Withdrawn BBB-/ICRA A3 (ISSUER NOT COOPERATING) Kellton Tech Solutions Ltd Unallocated Limits ICRA 817.9 Withdrawn BBB-/ICRA A3 (ISSUER NOT COOPERATING) Khandke Wind Energy Pvt Ltd FB TL ICRA A+@ 6560.9 - (Revised to ICRA A+@ from ICRA AA- (Stable) placed on rating watch with negative implications. @ on watch with negative implications) Lalpur Wind Energy Pvt Ltd FB TL ICRA A+@ 9733.1 - (Revised to ICRA A+@ from ICRA AA- (Stable) placed on rating watch with negative implications. @ on watch with negative implications) M2K Entertainment Pvt Ltd LT Fund Based – ICRA BB+ 150 Reaffirmed Overdraft (Stable) Madura Micro Finance Ltd Northern Arc 2018 MFI ICRA AA(SO) - Withdrawn Paraak - PTC Series A Paarth Infratech Pvt Ltd LT Fund Based – TL ICRA BB- 222.5 Reaffirmed (Stable) Rameshwar Textile Mills Ltd LT – Fund Based / CC ICRA 107.5 Reaffirmed B+(Stable) Ratedi Wind Power Pvt Ltd FB TL ICRA A+@ 5664.2 - (Revised to ICRA A+@ from ICRA AA- (Stable) placed on rating watch with negative implications. @ on watch with negative implications) Sant Deepak Education And FB / CC ICRA D 17.5 - Charitable Trust (Rating continues to remain under ‘Issuer Not Cooperating’ category) Sant Deepak Education And FB / TL ICRA D 112.5 - Charitable Trust (Rating continues to remain under ‘Issuer Not Cooperating’ category) Sharadha Terry Products Pvt Ltd TL ICRA 130.7 Reaffirmed A+(Stable) Sharadha Terry Products Pvt Ltd LT unallocated ICRA 1509.3 Reaffirmed A+(Stable) Sharadha Terry Products Pvt Ltd LT/ST Fac ICRA 640 Reaffirmed A+(Stable) / ICRA A1+ Shekar Logistics Pvt Ltd LT: Fund based -TL ICRA D 80 - (Reason for delay in carrying out periodic review: Issuer delayed in giving information) Shekar Logistics Pvt Ltd LT: Fund based - ICRA D 140 - Working Capital Fac (Reason for delay in carrying out periodic review: Issuer delayed in giving information) Sri Nukala Rama Koteswara Rao FBL-CC ICRA BB+ 750 - Textiles Pvt Ltd (Stable) (Reason for delay in carrying out periodic review: - Rating process is underway) Sri Nukala Rama Koteswara Rao LT-Fund Based TL ICRA BB+ 123 - Textiles Pvt Ltd (Stable) (Reason for delay in carrying out periodic review: - Rating process is underway) Sri Nukala Rama Koteswara Rao LT/ST – Unallocated ICRA BB+ 47 - Textiles Pvt Ltd Limit (Stable)/A4+ (Reason for delay in carrying out periodic review: - Rating process is underway) State Bank Of India Basel III Compliant ICRA AA+ 182357 Outstanding Tier I Bonds (hyb) (Stable) State Bank Of India Basel III Compliant ICRA AA+ - - Tier I Bonds (hyb) (Stable) (Reaffirmed and withdrawn) State Bank Of India Basel III Compliant ICRA AAA 222430 Outstanding Tier II Bonds (hyb) (Stable) State Bank Of India Basel III Compliant ICRA AAA - - Tier II Bonds (hyb) (Stable) (Reaffirmed and withdrawn) State Bank Of India Lower Tier II Bonds ICRA AAA 5000 Outstanding Programme (Stable) State Bank Of India Medium Term Deposits MAAA(Stable)- Outstanding Tadas Wind Energy Pvt Ltd FB TL ICRA A-@ 8591.5 - (Revised to ICRA A-@ from ICRA AA- (Stable) placed on rating watch with negative implications. @ on watch with negative implications) Tadas Wind Energy Pvt Ltd FB CC ICRA A-@ 300 - (Revised to ICRA A-@ from ICRA AA- (Stable) placed on rating watch with negative implications. @ on watch with negative implications) Tamilnadu State Transport LT - Fund Based/ CC ICRA 240 - Corporation (Kumbakonam) Ltd B(Stable) (Rating continues to remain under ‘Issuer Not Cooperating’ category) Thangamayil Jewellery Ltd LT – FB Fac ICRA BBB+ 2600 Outstanding (Stable) Thangamayil Jewellery Ltd LT/ST – Proposed Fac ICRA BBB+ 400 Outstanding (Stable) / ICRA A2 Uti Asset Management Co. Ltd UTI Capital ICRA AAA(SO) - Outstanding Protection Oriented Scheme Series X - Plan 2 Uti Asset Management Co. Ltd UTI Capital ICRA AAA(SO) - Outstanding Protection Oriented Scheme Series IX - Plan 1 Uti Asset Management Co. Ltd UTI Capital ICRA AAA(SO) - Outstanding Protection Oriented Scheme Series IX - Plan 2 Uti Asset Management Co. Ltd UTI Capital ICRA AAA(SO) - Outstanding Protection Oriented Scheme Series IX - Plan 3 Uti Asset Management Co. Ltd UTI Floater Fund ICRA AAAmfs - Outstanding Uti Asset Management Co. Ltd UTI Treasury ICRA AAAmfs - Outstanding Advantage Fund Uti Asset Management Co. Ltd UTI Ultra ST Fund ICRA AAAmfs - Outstanding Uti Asset Management Co. Ltd UTI Corporate Bond ICRA AAAmfs - Outstanding Fund Uti Asset Management Co. Ltd UTI Bond Fund ICRA - - BBB-mfs@ (placed on notice for withdrawal for 1 month. @Under rating Watch with Negative Implications) Uti Asset Management Co. Ltd UTI Dynamic Bond Fund ICRA - - BBB-mfs@ (placed on notice for withdrawal for 1 month. @Under rating Watch with Negative Implications) Uti Asset Management Co. Ltd UTI Bking and PSU ICRA - Outstanding Debt Fund BBB-mfs@ (@Under rating Watch with Negative Implications) Virtusa Consulting Services NCDs ICRA 20000 Outstanding Pvt Ltd A+(Stable) Wind Urja India Pvt Ltd FB TL ICRA A+@ 1330.9 - (Revised to ICRA A+@ from ICRA AA- (Stable) placed on rating watch with negative implications. @ on watch with negative implications) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $: Rating watch with positive implication #: Rating Watch with Developing implications @: Rating Watch with Negative Implications %: Rating under Credit Watch wd -Rating Stands Withdrawn sp -Rating Suspended pp -Principal Protected pn -Principal Not Protected ICRA may apply + or - signs for ratings to reflect a comparative standing within the category. BG-Bank Guarantee; CC-Cash Credit; CCPS-Cumulative Convertible Preference Share; CD-Certificate of Deposit; CLO-Collateralized Loan Obligation; CPA-Claims Paying Ability; CP-Commercial Paper; CPS-convertible preference shares; CRPS- Cumulative Redeemable Convertible Preference shares; DDB-Deep Discount Bond; EPBI-Exchange premium bond; FBL-Fund Based Limits; FRB/FRN -Floating Rate Bond/Note; ICD -Inter Corporate Deposit; ITD-Immediate Term Debt; LOC-Letter of Credit; LT -Long Term; LTB -Long Term Borrowing; LTD -Long Term Debt; MOCD-multiple option convertible debenture; MTD -Medium term Debenture; MTN-medium term notes; NCD(SO) - Non-Convertible Debenture-(Structured Obligation); NCD-Non-convertible Debentures; NCRB-Non Convertible Redeemable Bonds; NM-Not Meaningful; OCD-optionally convertible debenture; OD-Over Draft; OFCD-Optionally Fully Convertible Debenture; PCD-Partially Convertible Debenture; PCN-partly convertible notes; PCPS-Partly Convertible Preference Share; POCD-partly optional; PP-privately placed; PSPC-Post Shipment & Packing Credit; PS-Preference Shares; PTC-Pass Through Certificates; RPS-Redeemable Preference Shares; SCPN-secured convertible preference notes; SDO-Structured Debt Obligation; SLR-Statutory Liquidity Ratio; SO-Structured Obligation; SPCD - Secured Partly Convertible Debentures; SPN-secured premium notes; STB-Short Term Bond; STD-Short Term Debentures; ST-Short Term; Sub. Bonds-Subordinate Bonds; TB-Taxable Bond; TFB-Tax Free Bond; TL-Term Loan; TOCD-triple option convertible debentures. (Mumbai Rate Reporting Unit + 91 22 6180 7222 / 3317 7222 , E-mail at rru.data@refinitiv.com) Source: reuters